University of Delhi 2009 B.A Political science (Theory and thought), set-III, .(Prog.), SOL, - Question Paper
This question paper contains 4 printed pages]
Your Roll No...........................
3TTWT ...........................
B.A. ProgTI J-I
POLITICAL SCIENCEPaper I (Political Theory and Thought)
(Admissions of 2005 and onwards)
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Wf : 3 : ICO
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on reccipt of this question paper.) (TH frvfftrT TO T* 3T5RI rafexr |)
Note : Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.
JQ 3TR-T? TR W<3 feff TPf;
6t*1! I
Attempt any Five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
fchfTf "HtR I
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1. What is Political Theory ? Discuss its significance.
2. Politics is the accommodation and agreement between social groups. Do you agree ? Discuss the nature of politics.
(HHftdl) tl 3TN f ? TRHtfo TTf7f?T
3. Critically examine Marshalls theory of citizenship. Wfa HMlRchdl fRT ctf |<rl)xHicHeb cblfclU I
4. Discuss the concept of Liberty and Equality. What is the relation between the two ?
IdcTT 3?R WHdl STcfqTTOlT TTTl |
5. What is meant by Justice ? Explain its various dimensions.
1? ? ffFT 3TRTRf qft TTWiT I
6. Elaborate Laskis views on property.
TFTfrT TR cTTWt # fefKi cpft oqiTI tfTTJ I
7. Examine Rousseaus views on inequality.
3WHHdl XR fRf -qrtT tfl
8. Does protective discrimination violate the principles of fairness ? What precaution needs to be taken to make it an effective means of social justice ?
RIlrM'eb teRTt TlfeTeT t ?
9. Analyse John Stuart Mills views on liberty.
facT WR>RTT qr I
10. Write short notes on any two :
(i) Theory of Natural Rights;
(ii) Economic Power;
(iii) Common Good;
(iv) Class Struggle, fe# TR
(i) feSRT;
(iii) WTRT fef;
(iv) I
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