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Shivaji University 2011-3rd Sem B.E Computer Science and Engineering S.E.(Computer sci& engg.) , DIGITAL SYSTEM AND MICROPROCESSORS Sub Code.-42685 - Question Paper

Sunday, 19 May 2013 01:15Web

S.E.(Computer sci. & engg.) (sem-III) Examination,2011
Sub Code.-42685
Instruction:1)Attempt any two ques. from every part
2)Figures to the right indicate full marks
3)Assume suitable data whenever necessary.

1.a) How the microprocessor fetch instruction from memory? discuss with diagram. [marks 6]
b) What is shift register? discuss 4-bit shift register. [marks 7]
2.a) What do you mean by [marks 4]
i) counter
ii)Asynchronous counter
iii)Synchronous counter
iv) BCD counter
b) Prove using Boolean Algebra [marks 4]
c)Perform binary addition:011.101+101.011 [marks 2]
d)Perform binary multiplication:1011 X 101 [marks 2]
3. Write short notes: (marks 4+4+4)
a) Buffer
b) De-Morgans Theorem
c) Full adder.
4.a)Draw and discuss architecture of 8085. [marks 7]
b) discuss addressing modes of 8085 with example. [marks 6]
5.a) Draw and discuss timing diagram of 1N80H. [marks 6]
b) discuss the necessity of stack for microprocessor system. [marks 6]
6.a) discuss how RIM instruction is used to check pending interrupts. [marks 6] b) Write an assembly language program to obtain the smallest number from 10 numbers stored from 0200H onwards. [marks 6]

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