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Shivaji University 2006 B.E Computer Science .( - exam paper

Sunday, 19 May 2013 04:30Web

Q - 201



B.E. (C.S.E.) (Part -1) Examination, 2006 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (New)

Day and Date: Tuesday, 9-5-2006 Time: 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Max. Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Attempt any three questions from each section.

2) Figures to right indicates fuU marks,


-"Explain goals of distributed systems.



W-Explain application layering in the client server model.    8

2. (Qrjr Explain steps involved in a doing remote computation through RPC.    8

is Remote object invocation ? Explain common organization of remote object with client side proxy.    8

3.)    Explain implementation of threads package.    9

J What is an object adapter ? Mention some design issues for an object ' adapter that is used to support persistent objects.    8

4.    a) Why clock synchronization is required in distributed systems ? Explain

clock synchronization algorithms.    9

b) Define ACID properties of transactions. How transactions are implemented ?8


5. aXExplain basic architecture of sun microsystems Network file system. 8

b) Explain caching and replication in coda file system. How replication is implemented in coda ?


6.    a) Explain plan 9 distributed file system.    8 b) Explain general organization of lotus notes system and document model.    8


7.    a) Explain security and access control in lotus notes system.    8


b) What is Javaspace ? Explain general organization of Javaspace in Jini.    8


8.    a) Explain design goals and main features of Mach.    9 b) Explain key abstractions used in the design of chorus.    9


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