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Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) 2011-1st Year B.Com Accounting and Finance B Com , distance education, Sunni theology - Question Paper

Tuesday, 15 January 2013 01:35Web

Aligarh Muslim University

Distance Education


BA / Part 1 Examination

Thelogy (Sunni)


Maximum Marks: 50 Duration 3Hours

NOTE: Answer any five questions. All question carry equal marks.


1.    Write a brief introduction of the holy Quran


2.    Translate and explain any two of the following surahs:

                      i.        Surah al Asr

                     ii.        Surah al Kawsar

                    iii.        Surah al Kafiroon


3.    Write note on the collection of Hadith written in the time of the Prophet(SWA).


4.    Translate and explain any two of the following ahadith.



5.    Write notes on the makki life of the prophet (SAW)


6.    Write note on the Madani life of the prophet (SAW)


7.    Write the meaning of Fiqh and its sources


8.    Write notes on justice and equality in islam


9.    Explain the following words with example

                                          i.    Frdh, Wajib, Sunnat, Haram and Makrooh.


10.  Write the importance of Hajj






Aligarh Muslim University

Distance Education


BA / Part 1 Examination

Thelogy (Sunni)


Maximum Marks: 50 Duration 3Hours

NOTE: Answer any five questions. All question carry equal marks.


1.    Write a brief introduction of the holy Quran


2.    Translate and explain any two of the following surahs:

                      i.        Surah al Asr

                     ii.        Surah al Kawsar

                    iii.        Surah al Kafiroon


3.    Write note on the collection of Hadith written in the time of the Prophet(SWA).


4.    Translate and explain any two of the following ahadith.



5.    Write notes on the makki life of the prophet (SAW)


6.    Write note on the Madani life of the prophet (SAW)


7.    Write the meaning of Fiqh and its sources


8.    Write notes on justice and equality in islam


9.    Explain the following words with example

                                          i.    Frdh, Wajib, Sunnat, Haram and Makrooh.


10.  Write the importance of Hajj






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