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Shivaji University 2010-5th Sem B.E T.E(Electrical)- , Instrumentation Techniques (New ) - Question Paper

Sunday, 19 May 2013 02:15Web

This paper id for repeater students for 3rd year electrical engineering, of Instrumentation Techniques subject.

1\ Ev (Ekctdca?) (SzmgMer V)    24)10


Day and Date : Wednesday, 12,-5-20 K;    Total Marks :

Time : 10.00, to j XX) p.m.

(mfrui'MOns : 1) iVtenipi any three queUkms pvm tuck 5<:lk>n.

2) Draw nmi tkeick wherever rcesary,

3} rlgun? -;o >k$ right full wwh;,


I. a) Ex.pfak; wkb noai block diagram &n& s.v?= eampKy generated kiSirumminlon system ?

b) H?;pUm ihe method orjrasurevnea? o!'displacement. ng c&p&ckive transducer,

2.. a) With. nea( diagram-, xphi.n prugraraniable ampbfo:, Also derive xprc:;sbm for gain,

b) Explain the v/oridng prmdpk of R.TD. ns sppiicauon ?

3.    'i) .Bxpiaiu Lh-s working principle of tolkp&ing tt&mkicvn ; 1) Pmtlctnc

iransduT is) L.V.ITT

b) Sxpimn the mxesly <xf signal coddoamg and describe the working of any one type moduMor ad demodibtor.

4.    Explain .in brief (aay three): i) Sampk &ad KokJ dreub li) Dat.'i &cqib:btion systems

.iu) Vbkagc to frequoncy convert iv)    Amplifier.

N - 736    I


5.    a) Explain various demean *jsed mr mpid snd output for FLC.    8 b) Explain Ladder diagram logic v/ith examples.    S

6.    a) With nc&l diagram exp.! sin working 3;'d appi ;c;Uioiui of scveir segrrKjn* displa y.    8 b) Co'rnp;u'& in between Analog Uphy and d-gasi -display.    8

7.    a) Describe in$%runitnti'Aion sziup for raeasuremen1 of temperature using

d3s.rrui.stor.    8

b) Describe instrumentation setup for oreasurcmcatf of rT&hi.    8

8.    Explain in brief (<my three):    1$

a)    X-Y Recorders

b)    Oscillograph.

c)    Insinuation am sel-iict-ion of FLC

<i) tastrumcttt&tion setup for measurement of speed.

} Types of PLC system..


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