Shivaji University 2010-2nd Sem B.C.A Computer Application Bachelor of (Part-I) (Faculty of Commerce) No- 202 DATA STRUCTURE USING 'C' (New) - Question Paper
Sunday, 19 May 2013 01:35Web
Total Marks :- 80 Time:- three Hours
1) Attempt any 5 ques..
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks
a) discuss the data kinds and why do we need data kinds. [Mark 8]
b) discuss abstract data with an example. [Mark 8]
a) What is array? How character array is various than the integer array? [Mark 8]
b) Write a program to learn and display the sum of row column and diagonal [Mark 8]
element of three x three order matrix.
Q.3) What is quick sort? Write a program to display 'N' number in discerning [Mark 16]
order using the insertion sort, also trace your output with 7 nos.
Q.4) What is linear search? provide your explanation with the help of suitable [Mark 16]
Q.5) Write a program that uses a stack to check for matching left and right [Mark 16]
parenthesis left and right braces and left and right bracket in string
of character.
Q.6) Create a queue of 'n' elements and reverse it so that the last element [Mark 16]
becomes the 1st element and 1st element becomes first.
a) Why the header node is used in circular linked list? [Mark 8]
b) Write a function to reverse a single linked list. [Mark 8]
Q.8) Write a short note on any four [Mark 16]
a) Bubble sort
b) Trees
c) Double linked list
d) Searching technique
e) String handling
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