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Shivaji University 2012 B.A Sociology Sub- , ( - VI) Social Problems in India, Sub Code: 49374 - exam paper

Sunday, 19 May 2013 01:30Web

BA(II) (Semister-IV) Examination, 2012
Social issues in India (Part-II)
Subject Code : 49374

Instruction :
1) All ques. are compulsary.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the ques..

Q.1) Complete the subsequent phrases choosing the accurate option : [Marks 5]
A) ______________ is motivated by communal violence.
a) Alienation b) Enemity c)Separatism d) Politicization
B) Terrism is _______________ issue.
a) Economical b)Political c)Individual d)Social
C) The 1st HIV affected patient was obtained in _____________ country.
a) America b)India c)Tanzania d)Australia
D) The project of Sardar sarovar is on ______________ river.
a) Chandrabhaga b)Krishna c)Tapi d)Narmada
E) Chipco Agitation was started under the leadership of ___________
a) Baba Amate b)Anna Hazare c)Medha patkar d)Sunderlal Bahuguna

Q.2) Write short notes on any 3 of the subsequent : [Marks 15]
A) Effects of communal violence.
B) Combating terrorism.
C) Terrorism in Maharashtra.
D) Effects of AIDS.
E) Special Economic zone (SEZ)

Q.3) Write in detail about any 2 of the subsequent : [Marks 20]
A) What is communal violence ? discuss its causes.
B) discuss the preventive measures of AIDs.
C) discuss the different causes of displacement.

For marathi translation please refer

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