Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) 2011-1st Year B.Com Accounting and Finance B Com , distance education,Business Economics. - Question Paper
Aligarh Muslim University
Distance Education
BA / Part 1 Examination
Business Economics
Maximum Marks: 80 Duration 3Hours
NOTE: Answer any five questions, selecting one from each question set. All question carry equal marks.
1. What do you understand by elasticity of demand? What various methods are used to measure the elasticity of demand?
What do you understand by production possibility curve? Explain it with the help of a graph.
2. Write a Short Note on:
i. Internal dis-Economics
ii. External dis-Economics
Define and explain isoquants. What are the properties of isoquants?
3. In what ways perfect competition from imperfect competition.
What is a Price Leadership and what are its merits? Explain the various kinds of price leadership.
4. Discuss and explain the marginal productivity theory with the help of an appropriate figure.
Explain the liquidity preference theory for interest.
5. Distinguish between:
iii. Average propensity to consume & marginal propensity to consume.
iv. Multiplier & Accelerator.
Explain the kaldors theory of trade cycle in detail.
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