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Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) 2010 B.A Second Year - Application Oriented - Office Organization

Wednesday, 15 May 2013 10:55Web

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Second Year B.A. Examination, May/June 2010 (Revised SIM Scheme) Application Oriented Course


Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

Answer any three questions in not more than 3 pages each. Each question carries


10 marks.

1.    Discuss the various functions of an office.

2.    Briefly explain the components of office environment.

3.    Explain the various appliances used in the modern office.

4.    Briefly explain the different machines used for communications in the modern office.

5.    Describe the difficulties involved in work measurement.


Answer any five questions in not more than one page each. Each question carries


5 marks.

6.    State the principles of office layout.

7.    What are the different types of office organisation ?

8.    Distinguish between horizontal and vertical method of filing.

9.    Explain the advantages of computerisation in office.

10.    What are the qualities of a good office supervisor ?

11.    Write a note on office lighting and ventilation.

12.    Write a note on Data processing.


Answer any five questions. Each carries 4 marks.    (5x4=20)

13. a) Office system

b)    Internal communication

c)    Objectives of Office Management

d)    Fax machine

e)    Accounting machine

f)    Inward letters

g)    Indexing

h)    Office stationary.


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