Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth 2006 B.Tech CHEMISTRY - Question Paper
JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University
Model Question Paper
Time : 3 hrs Maximum marks : 75
1. Question paper is divided into Group A, Group B and Group C
2. Each Group is 25 Marks
3. Figure to the right in bracket indicates marks.
4. Good Handwriting is expected
5. Assume suitable data if necessary.
Group A (25 Marks)
Answer any three questions (Question 1 is compulsory)
Q.1 Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of a
sample of water
Mg (H Co3)2 - 73 mg/L , Mg Cl2 - 95 mg/L
Ca (H Co3)2 - 162 mg/L , Ca Cl2 - 111 mg/L
Ca So4 - 136 mg/L
Q.2 What are lubricants . Explain mechanism of lubricant ?
Q.3 The % analysis by volume of produces gas
H2 = 18.3 %, CH4 = 3.4%, Co is 25.4%, Co2 = 5.1%, N2 = 47.8% Calculate
Q.4 a. Explain thermal conductivity and
electrical conductivity shown by
b. Write any four functions of lubricants ?
the Carnot Theorem . Explain the Carnot Cycle ?
Group B (25 Marks)
Answer any three questions (Questions 6 is compulsory)
Q.6 A sample of coal contains c = 60% , O = 33% , H = 6 % , S = 0.5 % , N = 0.3 %
ash = 0.2% . Calculate the higher and lower calorific values of this coal ?
Q.7 Discuss gibbs Helmohottz free energy ? Derive on expression for free energy ?
Q.8 An exhausted zeobite softener was regenerated by passing 150 litres of Nacl solution having a
strength of 150 g/l of Nacl. How
many litres of hand water sample, having hardness of
600 ppm can be softened
Q.9 .Calculate the heat of the reaction.
C2 HH(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g) at 25C
Give that the heat of combustion of Ethylene, hydrogen and ethane are
337.0, 68.4 and
373.0 K cal
Q.10. a. What is water gas? How is it
manufactured ? Give the chemical reaction in different
b. Explain i) Gross and net calorific value ii) Green house effect
Group C (25 Marks)
All Questions are Compulsory.
Q.11 Fill in the blanks ( each question carry 2 marks)
1. The anti knock value of n- replane is _______________
2. Silicon polymer is ____________
3. The first synthetic rubber is ______________
4. __________ process produces water of almost zero hardness.
5._________ coals should burn freely and should not be strongly caking.
Q.11 Multiple choice question. (Each question carry 2 marks)
1. Chemical composition of water gas ?
a) H2o + Co b) Co+Cl2 c) Co +N2 d) None of these
2.Units of energy
a) Meter b) Calorie c) Kilogram d) Newton
3. In air the O2 percentage is
a) 22% b) 24% c) 218% d) 230%
4.The specific heats of most lubricating oils lie in the range
i) 1.00--- 2.00 ii) .44 --- .49 iii) .60--.70 iv) None
5.Producer gas is essentially a mixture of carbon monoxide &
i) H2 ii) O2 iii) Cl2 iv) N2
Q.11 True or false (each question carry 1 marks).
1. A good Fuel should have high calorific value.
2. Natural rubber is obtained by milky emulsion called latex.
3.Ozone is a powerful disinfectant and is readily absorbed by water.
4. For effective water treatment ion exchangers should not be resistant to chemical attack.
5. When ∆G < 0 it is non-spontaneous reaction
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