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Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth 2006 B.Tech ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICATION - Question Paper

Tuesday, 14 May 2013 03:15Web

JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University





Model Question Paper


Time : 3 hrs Maximum marks : 75



1. Question paper is divided into Group A, Group B and Group C

2. Each Group is 25 Marks

3. Figure to the right in bracket indicates marks.

4. Good Handwriting is expected

5. Assume suitable data if necessary.


Group A (25 Marks)

Answer any three questions (Question 1 is compulsory)



Q.1 What factors would you bear in mind while giving an oral presentation before a

larger group?


Q.2 Give the antonyms of the following words

a) Benevolent- b) Attack c) Bright d) Delicacy e) The murder of brother



Q.3 How would you assess material before making notes from it? Why is assessment

necessary? What for and how would you prepare note-making?


Q.4 What are the different types of communication? Write merits and demerits of oral and

written communication?


Q.5 What are PARTS OF SPEECH ? Illustrate their types, factors and conditions

with examples

Group B (25 Marks)

Answer any three questions (Questions 6 is compulsory)



Q.6 Read the passage carefully and summarize it -

Indians respect the man of learning, the hero, the man of wisdom and the holy man much more than the man who has money. This has been true for the thousand of years and it is still true today. The teachers in the village primary school have, even now a more honored place than the rich farmer.


Q.7 a) Give the meanings & also frame legible sentences of the homophones

( words that sound alike but have different meanings and spellings)

(a) (i) Hall (b) (i) Main (c) (i) quote (d) (i) Fair (e)(i) Right

(ii) Haul (ii) Mane (ii) cote (ii) Fare (ii) Rite

(b) Give ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION for the following group of words

1.      A word formed from the initial letters of a group of words.

2.      Large scale destruction of life and property especially due to fire

3.      Device for converting steam-power , water power etc into electricity.

4.      An organization through which national police forces can cooperate with each other.

5.       A frame of metal tubes or bamboo and wooden planks put up next to building so builders , painters etc can work on it.




Q.8 a) Give the meaning of the following idioms and phrases

(a)                Stones throw

(b)               Jack of all trades

(c)                Face the music

(d)               Pass the buck

(e)                At all costs1

b) Replace the underlined words with a more suitable word:

(a) The thief made an ingenious confession of his guilt

(b)               He is very pious and so he goes to temple everyday

(c)                He is a progeny of learning

(d)               She is very innocent girl

(e) He was an outstanding student in the college



Q.9 What are the different types of communication? Write merits and demerits of

oral and written communication?



Q.10. What is a clause? Explain semantically and literally .Types of clauses and their

conditions. Illustrate them with suitable examples

Group C (25 Marks)

All Questions are Compulsory.


Q. 11 11 (A) Give the correct Plural of the given words ( Each question carries 2 marks)

(i) Class (ii) Dynamo (iii)Ratio (iv) Chief (v) Sheep

Q.11 Multiple choice question. (Each question carry 2 marks)

Give the feminine form of the following

(1) Bull

i). Drake ii). Bull hen ii). Cow iii). Buffalo


i). Authoress ii). Poetess iii). Actress iv). None of these

(3). Chief

i). Chieves ii). Chiefs iii). chief iv). None of these


(4). Sheep

i). Sheeves ii) sheeps iii). Sheep iv). None of these


(5). Index

i). Indexes ii). Index iii). Indices iv). None of these



Q.11 True or false (each question carry 1 marks).

1.Crowd is an abstract noun

2.The plural form of cargo is cargoes

3.The antonym of abnormal is bright.

4.A disease or accident which ends in death is called fastidious.

5.Abbreviate means expand.



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