Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth 2006 B.Tech APPLIED PHYSICS - Question Paper
JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University
Model Question Paper
Time : 3 hrs Maximum marks : 75
1. Question paper is divided into Group A, Group B and Group C
2. Each Group is 25 Marks
3. Figure to the right in bracket indicates marks.
4. Good Handwriting is expected
5. Assume suitable data if necessary.
Group A (25 Marks)
Answer any three questions (Question 1 is compulsory)
Q.1 Calculate the current produced in a small germanium plate of area 1cm2 and of
0.3 mm when a potential difference of 2 volt is applied across the faces.
is an antireflection costing ? Describe Michelson Interferometer ?
Q.3 What are ultrasonic waves ,explain piezo-electric
Newtons ring. Write the condition of maxima and minima. Determine the radius
of circular fringes ?
Q.5 State the theory of relativity. describe lorentzs velcoity transformation.
Group B (25 Marks)
Answer any three questions (Questions 6 is compulsory)
Q.6 Differentiate between Fresnels diffraction and fraunhofer diffraction ?
Q.7 A calculate the wave length of x-ray beam reflected from a crystal at the glancing
Angle 100 if the inter planer spacing is 3A0. Assume first order reflection ?
Q.8 A grating has 1000 lines ruled on it. In the region of
wavelength 6000 x 10-8
cm. Find the difference between two wavelengths that just appear separated in
the first order spectrum.
n-type germanium sample has a donor density of 1021/m3.
It is arranged in a
hall experiment having magnetic field of 0.5T and the current density is
500A/m2. Find the hall voltage if the sample is 3 mm wide.
Q.10. Distinguish between Quarter wave plate and half wave plate ?
Group C (25 Marks)
All Questions are Compulsory.
Q.11 Fill in the blanks ( each question carry 2 marks)
1. 1. The nuclear fission reaction is
2. The expression that governs the distribution of electrons among the energy levels as a function of temperature is known as ________________ function.
3. The space around a magnet where its magnetic influence is experienced is known as the __________________.
4. Antiferromagnetism exhibits a small ____________ susceptibility of the order of 10-3 to 10-5.
5. Waves are capable of bending around behind obstacles , known as a phenomenon called _______________.
Q.11 Multiple choice question. (Each question carry 2 marks)
1. A transistor is a
a) Electrical device b) Radio device c) Semi conductor device
2. Unit of solid angle is
a) Steradian b) Meter c) Radian d) Second
3. Motion of a engaged particle in electric field is
a) Straight b) parabolic c) circular d) None of these
4. Unit of illuminance
a) Second b) Condela c) Meter d) Tebla
5. One of the property of superconductor is
a) Zero resistance b) Large resistance c) 50 cm resistance d) None of these
Q.11 True or false (each question carry 1 marks).
1. In He-Ne laser, ratio is 7:1
2. LED means light emitted diode.
3. A belatron is a semiconductive material.
4. Resolving power is used to separate the two images.
5. Nature of De brogli wave is dual.
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