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Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth 2006 B.Tech ENGINEERING DRAWING AND GRAPHICS - Question Paper

Tuesday, 14 May 2013 02:35Web

JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University





Model Question Paper


Time : 3 hrs Maximum marks : 75



1. Question paper is divided into Group A, Group B and Group C

2. Each Group is 25 Marks

3. Figure to the right in bracket indicates marks.

4. Good Handwriting is expected

5. Assume suitable data if necessary.


Group A (25 Marks)



Answer any three questions (Question 1 is compulsory)



Q.1 Draw the involutes of an equilateral triangle of 30mm side ?

Q.2 Draw the projections of a regular hexagon of 25 mm side having one of its edges

in the HP and inclined at 600 to the VP and its surface making an angle of 400 with

the HP ?



Q.3 A thin composite plate consists of a square ABCD of 50mm sides with an additional

Semicircle construct on CD as diameter the side AB is in the VP makes300 with HP and

the surface of the plate makes 45 with the VP . Draw the Projections?



Q.4 Draw

(i) Offset sectional elevation, select suitable section.

(ii) R.H. Side view (iii) Top Plan


Q.5 Draw an ellipse in a parallelogram having sides 130 mm and 70 mm long with inclined angle

70 0 by the oblong method.

Group B (25 Marks)


Answer any three questions (Questions 6 is compulsory)



Q.6 Construct a parabola with base 110 mm and axis height 75 mm by the tangent

Method ?



Q.7 For the given figure draw

(i) Front view looking in the direction X

(ii) Top view (iii) Side view from left















Q.8 Draw the projections of a regular hexagon of 25 mm side having one of its edges in the

HP and inclined at 600 to the VP and its surface making an angle of 400 with the HP ?



Q.9 Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism, base 30 mm and axis 75 mm long,

when its axis is inclined at 300 to the VP and parallel to the HP . An edge of the base in

perpendicular to the HP ?

Q.10. Draw a helix of pitch equal to 50mm on a cylinder of 60 mm diameter and develop


the surface of the cylinder ?


Group C (25 Marks)

All Questions are Compulsory.

Q.11 Fill in the blanks ( each question carry 2 marks)

1. Representative fraction (R.F) = _________

2. ___________ is a similar to cap nut with spherical dome at the top.

3. The distance a screw thread advances axially in one turn is called __________

4. Convention representation of axis line is _____________.

5. ____________ is in the form of segments of a circular disc having uniform thickness.



Q.11 Multiple choice question. (Each question carry 2 marks)

(i) The rivet head for general purpose shown in figure is








(a) Snap (b) Pan (c) Coutersunk (d) Flat (e) None of the above.


2. The scale which is used to measure very small unit with great accuracy is

(a) Plain scale (b) Diagonal Scale (c) Vernier scale (d) None


3. For hexagon the exterior angle is

a) 300 b) 600 c) 450 d) 900


4. For British Association threads, angle of thread is

a) 47 0 b) 550 c) 600 d) 290


5. Value of eccentricity for parabola is

a) > 1 b) < 1 c) 0 d) = 1



Q.11 True or false (each question carry 1 marks).

1. Angle of thread for buttress thread is 400

2. For pentagon exterior angle =300

3. Isometric lines makes 1200 with each other.

4. When an object is assumed to cut throughout and the front half removed it is said to be half


5. In the first angle projection front view to on the vertical plane and top view on the horizontal







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