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Gujarat University 2005 B.A Sociology First Year - university paper

Sunday, 12 May 2013 06:50Web

FYBA Sociology-I Main

Seat No.


Sociology Paper-I (Main)

(New Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

WU : (a) 6{Hi HKl W.LH dHl. (p) 6iHl HKl op wiPHl e. I. WlHmil&Al H?[ HlM! ciVt *UHl[ [q.SlH dPli '1. I. WLHql : (l) WiHlvii d$mi (p) Hivii ciSML P. wuhl[ wvl hlM! mlHs %?ivil chichi, cisrni hA h q'M. p. *uhl[ &pw*il Hf hlM! tPWdi hmpHI ''t iPl. Q. WlHlPmAl H?i HlM! WLHlPmAl H'ft'v-wOHl qigfqi..


Q. WllHl HlPmiAl H?i WLH4l civil HSlPl q'M. R. WllHl WclP'liP'aAl chlHL Hltl Sll[cl HlHl[Pd WdPUPSlAl ''t iPl.


R. WllHl U[Pqc[d HS& ? WllHl U[Pqchdl HqPlHi U[pHlv{l ''t iPl. S. SivllH G.Hl (oiH ci ,) : (a) wiHmu* hA pm.m*>i qAi wi&ik (p ) &p hA [Hm q?' wiMk (q) H=Hl 6LPL WilHl[i [AH-HSl (r) WilHl[i oiMcidldl CWtHLcll (s) cHqLPil WlHmilWvi Wq$U

Instructions : (I) Attempt all questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

I. Give the meaning of sociology and discuss it as social science.


1.    Explain :

(1)    Characteristics of society

(2)    Characteristics of association

2.    Give the meaning of social group. Explain the meaning of primary group, its characteristics and importance.


2.    Give the meaning of social status and discuss the types of status.

3.    Give the meaning of socialisation. Describe the agencies of socialisation.


3.    Explain the meaning of social norms and describe its types.

4.    Define the social stratification. Discuss the caste-based stratification.


4.    What is social change ? Discuss the factors resisting social change.

5.    Write short notes (any two) :

(1)    Relation between sociology and political science.

(2)    Relation between status and role.

(3)    Social control by values.

(4)    Theories of social mobility.

(5)    Nature of applied sociology.

wj'vil : (a) HHi H&Hl WlH CIHL

(p) HH'l H&Kl op W.PHL e.

I. WLHmiL&vti. H?[ HlM! ciVl Hi [qlK rlPi '1.

I. *UHl[i vq_i WiH4l Pi.iSq.ciI ClSiaHl ''{ iPl.

P. WUHll&i telKl vqj& WLH4l cMl HilPl llqi.


P. W.H'&q. :

(I) WHmiMvi Hxq (P) HPid tP.

Q. WUHll&i HldPBHHi vq.i<a HlM! ddl HilPl q'M.


Q. WiLHi[i PlH-Hmdl H?[ WiH4l *UHl[i pR-Hmdl PqUl qMl.

R. W.HLiP'SI.dl vq.l<a WM. iPl WiHliPSHl HlHHl ''{ iPl.


R. PllHli U[Pqdrddl Hf WU.ql Ucld HlM WM.&LP MRH'lVl ''{ iPl.

S. Si Hl : (olH rl $,) :

(a) WiHmilPlVl HHl&LHL.

(p) WlH&lHd'l Cl$mi.

(q) PUHl[i oiMcidld'l HilPl.

(r) WllHlti WdPP'dl.

Instructions : (I) Attempt all questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

I. Give the meaning of sociology and discuss it as a science.


1.    Explain the concept of social group. Discuss the characteristics of primary group.

2.    Explain the concept of social norms and describe the types of social norms.


2.    Explain :

(1)    Importance of sociology

(2)    Ascribed status

3.    Explain the concept of social interaction. Describe its various types.


3.    Explain the meaning of social control and describe the forms of social control.

4.    Clarify the concept of socialisation and discuss the agencies of socialisation.


4.    Describe the meaning of social change and discuss the factors responsible for social change.

5.    Write short notes (any two) :

(1)    Limitations of sociology

(2)    Characteristics of community

(3)    Types of social mobility

(4)    Social stratification

FA-09    4


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