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Question paper-Gujarat University 2005 B.A Political Science First Year

Sunday, 12 May 2013 06:30Web

Economics-I Main New

Seat No. : _

Publication Department, Gujarat University


Economics Paper-I (Main)

(New Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

Hl : (!) -2.i HM-U p *R"ll $.

(2) 2 ci Sa2Sll [IHl-ll &M*itoi i2\.

1. lit. 2\0l-*t ilx-t    <*ulH[l Hlitc*ti 9t9tl i2l


1.    -M-u ticici 3.1 (ott t *l) :

(1)    =h-. [i Hci

(2)    -USitik Wi =H-L q.RdRi tcti

(3)    ctct -t ki

2.    HR 2ct ? *i101-11 [-11*1-11 %1*1>;cII =HiUt =H-L rVti HMAi-t >SIIcI.


2.    H2c161 PttcRSi =H-L y.ik-1. i-ti 2ct6iHl ctUi2l -t -li't (Ml H&&-U %tmcjl.

3.    i>i2[ill 2Ct ? &m2[iHri itf 3l -.WL $ ? (Ml H-tl .Hkt.


3.    StHPtGU'tf-nl -t i2l ct-li CtiliCtil-ll it i2l

4.    (=H) 12.-11 ikt ctstcCt.

(H)    (2-t2 "tt =H-. [-t2 "rf-tl "qtiCl %1*1>Ic.


4.    -us. act ? -usii-u ikt cstd.

5.    ctiii2l at-i-li -tcti *ltil%-t ti-ii ikt-. ctsl-t i2l


5. Hi-tk ct"il (otl rt *l) :

(I)    *j,ilcil&-tl Ct"tstl

(2)    PlSt -trbKi ct"tslt

(3)    <tflk-U Ct"tSll

(4)    iij[Tl-ti Ct"tSll


Economics Paper-I (Main)

(New Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : (1) Each question carries equal marks.

(2) Use illustrations and diagrams if necessary.

1. Discuss critically Prof. Robins definition of Economics.


1.    Distinguish between the following (any two) :

(1)    Value and Price

(2)    Monetary Income and Real Income

(3)    Goods and Services

2.    Define the demand. Explain the law of demand and point out its exceptions.


2.    Explain with help of diagrams extension and contraction and increase and decrease in supply.

3.    What is Market Price ? How is it determined ? Explain with help of diagram.


3.    Explain the concept of division of labour. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

4.    (a) Describe the functions of a Market.

(b) Explain the concept of Fixed Cost and Variable Cost.


4.    What is Money ? Describe the functions of money.

5.    Describe the functions of a Commercial Bank or Central Bank.


5. Write short notes (any two) :

(1)    Characteristics of Capitalism.

(2)    Characteristics of Mixed Economy.

(3)    Characteristics of Land.

(4)    Characteristics of Wealth.


Economics Paper-I (Main)

(Old Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

Hl : (!) -2.i HM-U Sl "11

(2) 2 li. cil S-l2Sli =H-l [Mi-ti GUil i2\.

1. HMA    CL ? *lllci kiM-tl [ci[cifei <H"lSll q.slql.


1.    (=H) ifeoiSKi =Hl -l Hil2l llcll.

(H) [rMl eiSlSli cllcd.

2.    (=H) >LM Cl ? rVu Hlfclilrli Slld

(H) l*l-H .ll"m =HlMl =H-L Ci-il Hlfclilrli ctcH.


2.    HPl-ii [-ll*l    rl-ll l-tl MAl-i >llcll.

3.    2cl6Kl Pti-H-tt y.H>VLl LUi =H-. elll MAi-L Slld.


3.    H>l2 [iHrl Cl ? H>l2 R;Hrl i 2rlri -ii $ ? ci =Hl[L 6L2L %l*l>lclt.

4.    (=H) sl Sl-U C1"1l1 clslcll.

(H)    WL2-U i li! cislcil.


4.    -tlsi ? -iisii-ii Mil cislcii.

5.    c.Hl2l Li-U ilill-i cisl-i i2\.


5. Si-lLH ci"il (oiL Ci *i)

(I)    icii-fl %l*ii-icii-il iL2Sli.

(2)    il-il-l6 icii.

(3)    LH[cW.l-t-U Uil2l

(4)    liai UllMl Hil-ll

(5)    ilil 2l-aiii -ll


Economics Paper-I (Main)

(Old Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions : (1) Each question carries equal marks.

(2) Use illustrations and diagrams if necessary.

1. What is the meaning of human wants ? Describe the various characteristics of human wants.


1.    (a) Explain the concept of utility and describe the types of utility.

(b) Describe the characteristics of wealth.

2.    (a) What is land ? State its characteristics.

(b) Define labour and describe its characteristics.


2.    Explain the law of demand and point out its exceptions.

3.    Explain the law of supply and point out its exceptions.


3.    What is Market Price ? How is it determined ? Explain with help of diagrams.

4.    (a) Describe the characteristics of perfect competition.

(b) Describe the functions of a market.


4.    What is Money ? Describe the functions of money.

5.    Describe the functions of a Commercial Bank.


5. Write short notes (any two) :

(1)    Causes of income inequality.

(2)    Per capita income.

(3)    Types of division of labour

(4)    Limitations of barter-system.

(5)    Gross national product.

FA-06    4


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