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Gujarat University 2005 B.A Political Science Third Year - Psychology - I - FS - Question Paper

Sunday, 12 May 2013 03:45Web

Psychology Paper-I (First Subsidiary)

(New Course)

Time : 3 Hours]    [Max. Marks : 70

Seat No. :_


Mk[Lkk : (1) gkAk s kLkk 0ky Mkh%k A.

(2) AtRI JRiJd +{.    did X>+.

1. HdlAsilddl ~l'lKlmll(dllLil+l) Wild, Hl>Uil mlil dllLil+l clilcli.    14


1.    HdlAstldHl JtHixil MHlOlH ~luCcl ftHXCLl.

2.    Sl{iiiltl ~lil 'telUwVil SnR +l5l.    14

(+) ilillllllll ~lppl[H+1 hxclI.

(,) xHh +{. hiHI iteiiH! niil +i~il.

(h) +lClNl Rdld Olitl wilCCd r$r\ clilcll.

(e) +lClol +MM. hld! clilcll.

3.    {MdmM Hl> ~lil 'telUddidl AtR +l5l.    14

(+) &HlcHH +Oiy.Plld +Ndl *H.ddl HdNl clilcll.

(l) JilOiPlH +{. WdTRH JiHCld [cll HXcl.

(h) ?llPqH (Miidi UHlhl Wiiicl. ?i*q. (Mil nxd.

(e) RiHl c-iiL-ii +~l\. iidi dHi+l hxclI.

4.    {MdmM Hl> ~lil 'telUwVil AtR +l5l.    14

(+) JiKid llricL liXcil.

(l) Cet>{j Hi-. [ +2l di ? Hdl (Wrmlh iHcil clilcil.

(h) PLl{i[clsict{l{{l licil +l~il.

(e) Pmd{. +3. H3.dl +'lri[.H Uftwl clilcll.

5.    {MdmM Hl> ~lil ~,2iumVu Atr +i5l.    14

(+) r! i{il[ll[{ii iilli'l ClKiill clilcll.

(i) i{tl[ll [{ii Hs&'l'l+ldl Jiilhl cllcll.

(h) [Hdl c-ULdi +i~il. c[Hitnci [clHii    +3.'l u(3.W dlH clRld

~ici cisiilidl sisii \.

(e) c-iHdi-c. ti~i{i{il ~iPPi [H+l Wiiicil. Hl> ~iii +h ~iPPt[1i hxclI.

Instructions : (1) Each question carries equal marks.

Psychology Paper-I (First Subsidiary)

(New Course)

[Max. Marks : 70

(2) Answers must be precise and relevant.

1. State the sub-fields (branches) of Psychology. Describe any three branches.




1.    Explain the Experimental Method used in Psychology.

2.    Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :

(a)    Explain the methods of measuring Motivation.

(b)    Explain Sex and Maternal Drives.

(c)    Describe autonomous changes occurring during emotion.

(d)    Describe the ways of expressing emotion.

3.    Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :


(a)    Describe Skinners experiment of Operant Conditioning.

(b)    Explain Primary and secondary reinforcement.

(c)    State the Types of Verbal Learning. Explain Word Learning.

(d)    Define Memory. Explain stages of Memory.

Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :


(a)    Explain Perceptual Constancy.

(b)    What is Depth Perception? Describe its binocular cues.

(c)    Explain Fluctuation of Attention.

(d)    Describe internal factors affecting Attention.

Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :


(a)    Describe characteristics of a good Psychological Test.

(b)    Describe types of Psychological Tests.

(c)    Define Personality. Discuss Inherited Predispositions as a factor affecting Personality Development.

(d)    State the methods of Personality Measurement. Explain any one method.

Mk[Lkk : (1) gkAk s kLkk 0ky Mkh%k A.

(2) AnRl    did X>+.

1. HdMsiKHl liHixH UHlo ~lPPl[cl hi [dd ttHXil.    14

1.    iih.ill +'l dl? y{.d +A hluM iih.ill liX=ll.

2.    {Mdliloll Hl> ~lil liiddVtl Anih +l5i.    14 (+) +l=lol +'l dl? +llol qh.i.H oldl +id[h.H dllhlftH Rlhi =lil=ll.

(i) +Kqdi +l=lol clilcil.

(h) dlRmlk +(>tylPiK    dl? HicX-liddi Jliol clilcll.

(e) ~i [h.dih +OtyiPiK    dl? +l +o\{{l ilillol clilcli.

3.    {M{tlHMl Hi> ~lil liiddVtl Anih +l5i.    14 (+) ?0.Hcll{{l ~lPPi[cl+t Willd. y.H3i [ct. [cllol ~lPl[1t yiHXcl.

(l) M ollHl    +{. l'lll olll{{l    yiHXcl.

(h) iliiKllHhiltl y.idUh.iHl Pml liXcll.

(e) Piil{i{ii cicilKll PiiikH u[h.wl lixcll.

4.    {Mdliloll Hl> ~iil lilMVtl Anih +l5i.    14

(+)    yilhl t{tl[il[{lH fyMdl SiKlili clilcil.

(l)    ciiiciyii[iiH +[til\oiiiti HyM+i clilcil.

(h)    cii[itnci [clMyA +ih fh.dl U[h.W\ Willcli. Hl>Uil uChmM Ststi $hl.

(e)    cd-rci ti~i{t{ll ~ippi[H+i Wiictl. hihdiH! diidl{ti PiiiHI Hytll ciiicli.

5.    nfo <hmI (Hl>~iii l)    14

1.    +M01H t{ti[ci[il{i

2.    +[iict iih.iii+l

3.    iq.c-il +{. [diKti{ti AuHioii

4.    +! [H +{. UAcuqPUl

5.    t[PPltl cii[Hitoiit cilcictl

[Max. Marks : 70

Psychology Paper-I (First Subsidiary)

(Old Course)

Instructions : (1) Each question carries equal marks.

(2) Answers must be precise and relevant.

1. Explain with illustration Experimental Method used in Psychology



1.    What is Motivation? Explain the Motivation of Affection and Affiliation

2.    Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :    14

(a)    What is Emotion ? Describe internal physiological changes occurring during Emotion.

(b)    Describe the Emotion of Pleasure.

(c)    What is Classical Conditioning ? Describe Pavlovs experiment.

(d)    What is Avoidance Conditioning ? Describe its experiment.

3.    Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :    14

(a)    State the Methods of Learning. Explain Whole Vs. Part Method.

(b)    Explain Short Term Memory and Long Term Memory.

(c)    Explain Laws of Grouping in Perception.

(d)    Explain Objective determinants of Attention.

4.    Answer any TWO sub-questions from the following :    14

(a)    Describe the characteristics of a good Psychological Test.

(b)    Describe Vocational Aptitude Tests.

(c)    State the factors affecting Personality Development. Discuss any two factors.

(d)    State the methods of Personality Measurement. Describe Rorschach Ink-blot Test.

5.    Write notes (any TWO) :    14

(1)    Industrial Psychology

(2)    Unconscious Motives

(3)    Uses of Reward and Punishment

(4)    Figure and background

(5)    Individual differences in Intelligence.

FA-17    4


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