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Gujarat University 2007 B.A Psychology -II (First Subsidiary) New - Question Paper

Saturday, 11 May 2013 07:15Web

Instructions : (1) All ques. carry equal marks.
(2) Attempt all ques..
(3) ans must be precise and relevant.

1. What is conflict? discuss with illustrations common conflicts of our society.
1. What is severity of stress? discuss the characteristics of adjustive demand and characteristics
of individual as its sources.
2. explain the factors affecting selection of mate or life partner.
2. explain the causes and effects of divorce and explain the issue of Remarriage.
3. explain the factors affecting Job-selection.
3. explain in brief any 2 special issues in vocational adjustment.
4. Attempt any 2 sub-questions from the following:
(a) explain the factors of ‘The learner’ and ‘feedback’ as factors of effective learning.
(b) explain the W.E.D. approach.
(c) explain the ways to deal with Grief, Depression and Guilt.
(d) explain the ways of fostering constructive emotions.
5. Attempt any 2 sub - ques. from the following:
(a) explain ‘I - thou’ Vs ‘I - it’ relationship.
(b) define any 1 way to improve social competence.
(c) define methods of pychological assessment.
(d) explain the directive counselling process and nondirective counselling.

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