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Gujarat University 2007 B.A English Special -VII (Indian Literature in English) - Question Paper

Saturday, 11 May 2013 05:10Web


Seat No. :

English Special Paper-VII
(Indian Literature in English)

Time : three Hours] [Total Marks: 70

Instruction : All ques. carry equal marks.

1. (a) “Indian poetry in English does not have clear phases of development or clearly demarcated historical eras.” what are.

(b) Write a detailed note on the development of Indian poetry in English in the post- independence era.


(c) “Sri Aurobindo has the best claim to be regarded as the greatest Indian poet in
English.” Justify.

2. (a) “Anita Desai’s greatness as a novelist lies in her ability to portray the inner world of her characters.” Justify with reference to Voices in the City.

(b) Attempt a character sketch of Nirode.


(c) To what extent is the city a residing presence in Voices in the City ?

3. (a) “Nagamandala deals with the unhappy state of a young woman whose hopes have been crushed.” Justify.
(b) “Karnad’s plays are meant to be seen, not learn.” what are with reference to the play that you have learn.
(c) Attempt a character sketch of Appanna.

4. Show your acquaintance with any 7 of the subsequent titles :
(i) Suitable Boy
(ii) Coolie
(iii) In Custody
(iv) Time to change
(v) Shame
(vi) The Wreck
(vii) River Sutra
(viii) Train to Pakistan
(ix) The City and the River

5. Write short notes on any 2 :
(a) The major themes in Ezekiel’s poetry.
(b) Autobiographical element in the poetry of Kamala Das. (c) Kurudavva
(d) The ending of the novel : Voices in the City.

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