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Gujarat University 2007 B.A Information Sources & Services – VI - Question Paper

Saturday, 11 May 2013 04:35Web

1. “Initiation to new learner is the 1st step to reference service”. explain this statement
with reference to benefits of library initiation. (20)
“The difference ranging from ready reference service and long range reference service is
artificial. These services change with time and circumstances”. explain this statement.
2. State the kinds of reference books. define in details the principles of valuation of
reference books. (20)
What is difference ranging from year books and Almanacs ? Write briefly on any two
year books and Almanacs you have learned.
3. What is info service ? what are its importance in library. explain how it
differs in Research library from Public library. (20)
discuss about the user studies methods.
4. Write short notes on any 4 of the subsequent : (20)
1. Primary info Sources.
2. Translation Service.
3. E–Books & E. Journals.
4. User Education.
5. Abstracting services.
BLS-04 three P.T.O.
5. choose from the multiple option and write accurate ans of the subsequent ques. in
your ans book. (20)
1. The writer of Basic Reference Sources is
(a) L. Shores (b) E. B. Reeves
(c) S. Rothstein (d) W. A. Katz
2. “A list organizes systematically providing enough details about every item” is
known as
(a) Catalogue (b) Bibliography
(c) Index (d) List
3. The improper source for finding out info about ‘Number of Radio
Stations in India’ is :
(a) Handbook (b) Manual
(c) Almanac (d) Guide book
4. Guide to Indian Periodical Literature is published from
(a) Gurgaon (b) Jaipur
(c) Delhi (d) Chandigarh
5. National Translation Service in India is located at
6. The Editor/s of Encyclopedia of Library & info Science is
(a) Harold Lancour (b) Allan Kant
(c) Kent and Lancour (d) F.W. Lancaster and J.H. Shera
7. The electronic groups that center around broad topic in the Internet is known as
(a) Subscribe Serve (b) List Serve
(c) Mail Serve (d) Group Serve
8. SAARC Documentation Centre was established at
(a) Dhaka (b) New Delhi
(c) Kathmandu (d) Karachi
9. SDI was 1st formulated by
(a) C. Mooers (b) E. Garfield
(c) H. P. Luhn (d) S. C. Bradford
BLS-04 4
10. Directing the user to improper sources of info available elsewhere is
known as
(a) SDI (b) Referral
(c) CAS (d) User Service
11. Dennis Grogan grouped Research reports under :
(a) Primary Sources (b) Secondary Sources
(c) Tertiary Sources (d) Standard Sources
12. OCLC was established in the year
(a) 1957 (b) 1967
(c) 1977 (d) 1987
13. The Reference tool most improper to obtain info of particular place is
(a) Encyclopedia (b) Gazetter
(c) Directory (d) Almanack
14. World of learning is a
(a) Directory (b) Dictionary
(c) Encyclopedia (d) Almanac
15. Bibliography is a
(a) List of Books (b) List of Periodicals
(c) Systematic list of documents (d) Trade list
16. Under which kind of info Source does ‘Current Contents’ come ?
(a) Primary (b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary (d) Quaternary
17. Which 1 of the subsequent is available on CD–ROM ?
(a) NUCSSI (b) Indian Science Abstracts
(c) Index India (d) INSDOC List
18. European Translation Centre (ETC) is located at
(a) Paris (b) Vienna
(c) Delft (d) Rome
19. Every place on the Internet is usually called
(a) Web place (b) Web region
(c) Web plot (d) Web site
20. WWW is a multimedia linked data base system that spans
(a) Europe (b) North America
(c) Asia (d) Globe

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