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Calicut University 2007 M.D Department of Case Taking

Saturday, 11 May 2013 02:00Web

Department of Case Taking & Repertorisation

Govt.Homeopathic Medical College. Calicut

CRRG1.08 Final BHMS first avg. exams. tenth Janu.2008

Answers should be brief & right. A&B in separate sheets

Time : three Hrs ans All ques. Marks : 100

Part A

1. discuss the bedrock of TPB

2. Full name of therapeutic pocket book

3. Classification of sensations by Boennighausen

4. A well taken case is half cured. Explain?

5. discuss the limitations of repertory. How we can overcome it ?

6. Puritan group of repertories with examples

7. Utility of mental symptoms in acute disease

8. Criteria in the selection of mental symptoms

9. Modern method of repertorisation

10. Base books used by Boger (10x5=50)


11. 'Polychrests appearing more frequently in chronic cases". discuss the view of Boenninghausen

12. Differentiate pathogenic & concordance repertories?

13. Eliminating symptoms and its utility in repertorisation

14. Potential differential field

15. Why Boger constructed a different repertory even though Kent’s repertory was popular at that time?

16. Utility of Pathological general with examples

Differentiate the subsequent rubrics with examples

17.Anxiety, Anguish, Anticipation, Fear

18.Absent minded, Absorbed and Abstraction of mind (8x5=40)

Develop the abbreviations

19.Cup.a 20. Guaj 21. Hyper 22. Dirc 23. Aur.m (5x2=10)

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