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Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University (MDSU) 2009 B.C.A Computer Application Mis - Question Paper

Friday, 25 January 2013 04:30Web

This question paper contains 2 printed pages]


- ' B.C.A. (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2007 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Paper XXIII Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks ; 50

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Why is MIS looked upon as a strategic need of management today ?

Explain the importance of a Database Management System (DBMS) in MIS of an organization. Elaborate the different models with suitable examples.

[a) Define Decision Support System (DSS). Explain in detail.

b) Explain the contribution of information systems at various levels of management.

4. (a) Explain the difference between System Software aid Application Software.

(6) What do we mean by User view of Database"

5. What is system analysis and design ? Why is it


important in the development of information systems ?

6.    , Write short notes on any two of the following ;

()    Prototype approach to develop an MIS;

()    End user computing;

(e) Decision-making process.

7.    (o) How is a database different from a conventional fjle

system ?

(6) What i3 distributed data processing ? Explain.

8.    What is systems approach to problem solving ? Differentiate between Open and Closed system.

B.C.A. (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2008 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Paper XXIII Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Give detail of characteristics and organisation of Management Information System.

2.    How is database different from a conventional filq system ?

3.    What are the main elements of eommunicatior system ?

4.    What is the role of management system in systen development ?

(i)    Decision Support System (DSS);

(ii)    Decision Making Processing.

What is System Design ? Why is it so important in the development of information system ?

Define Development Cycle.

Give description and implementation of MIS feasibility of installing MIS.

This question paper contains 3 printed pages} ,





Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Define management information system. Discuss the elements of management information system. How would you relate it to organisational triangle and decisicn-making at various levels of organisational hierarchy ?

2.    Discuss in detail the MIS planning. Describe the end user information requirement and its integration with operational islands in the organisation. Hen:e discuss the role and position of a systems managei.

What are the advantages of database approach over filing system ? Discuss the role of distributed data processing and its importance in modern multinational corporations.

Describe in detail the system devolvement life cycle (SDLC).

Describe the main elements of a communication system. Discuss the fixed costs of implementing such system and the running costs. Hence describe the cost benefit analysis report for such a system.

Write short notes on any two of the following :

() Data definition language

(u) OORDBMS-object oriented relational database management system.

(Hi) Data manipulation language

OVA Dprifiirtn simnnrt system (DSS)

What are the main stages of decision-making process ? How would information provide support to each stage ?

8.    What are the key characteristics of good information ? Elaborate the statement "right information at right place in right format and on right time.

9.    What kind of education and training is needed for implementing MIS ? Discuss managements role in planning and implementing information systems.

7139    3


This question paper contains 2 printed pages]




Twentieth Paper

Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Briefly differentiate between ISO-OSI reference model and TCP-IP model. According to you which model is better and why ?        10

2.    (a) What is the relationship between data-rate

and bandwidth of a signal ? Explain it with an example.    4

(b) Differentiate among packet switching, message switching and circuit switching techniques. 6

3.    Explain the basic difference in working of the following with suitable example :    

()    Gateways and Routers;

()    Intranet and Internet.    5+5=10 500 P.T.O.

4.    Briefly differentiate between TDMA and FDMA 1 techniques. A cable T.V. system has 100 commercial

channels, all of them have alternating programs with advertising. Is this more like TDM or like FDM ?    10

5.    Briefly explain the AMPS, GSM and CDMA techniques in wireless mobile computing.    10

6.    Differentiate between the following :

(i)    Uni-cast and multi-cast communication;

(ii)    TCP and Wireless TCP.    5+5=10

7.    Explain the following in IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LANs) with suitable diagrams and examples :

(t) BSS (Basic Service Set);

(ii)    ESS (Extended Service Set);

(iii)    DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)

(iv)    PCF (Point Coordination Function). 2'/2x4=I0

8.    Write short notes on the following :

(i) Blue-Tooth Architecture;

(it) Cordless Telephony.    5+5=10

' l


Twentieth Paper Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks ; 50

Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    What is meant by network topology ? Describe three commonly used network topologies with their relative advantages and disadvantages.    2+8

2.    Describe the layering concepts in OSI model of network architecture with the function of each layer. 10

3.    Explain how circuit switching method is used to link the sender and the receiver in a communication network. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of switching ?    4+6

4.    List out the differences between FDMA and TDMA.

Which method is suitable for communication between

computers and why ?    4+6

1,000    P.T.O,

5.    What do you mean by IEEE ? Define IEEE802.3 and briefly.    10

6.    (a) What is token ? Explain its working in a ring


(6) Differentiate between narrow-band, voice-band and broad-band communication channels. Give a practical application of each.    4+6

7.    What is Project 802 ? Who started this project ? Explain 802.15 (Bluetooth) in detail.    3+1+6

8.    (a) Explain the term Security and Privacy in

1 computer network. Also describe the layers of protection.    2+4

(6) Write short notes on :

(t) Satellite;

(ii) Cordless telephony.    2+2

9.    Describe all three divisions of multiple access (Channelization) with diagram.    10



Twentieth Paper Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt five questions in all.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    What do you understand by protocols and protocol stack ? How are protocols combined in a stack ? Explain.    2+2+6

2.    What do you mean by inter-networking devices ? Explain the working of two inter-networking devices. 2+4+4

3. Write short notes on the following

(a) Signal regenerating devices;

(ft) Active Hub;


(c) Passive Hub.

4. How does an Ethernet LAN work ? Describe various implementations of Ethernet LAN.    4+6

5.    Define DECT. Explain its working with cordless telephones.    3+7

6.    What is orbit ? Describe the types of satellite orbits. Also write the application where satellites are used.


7.    What is wireless LAN ? Define the services and standards of IEEE 802.11 family.    2+4+4


Differentiate the terms unicast, multicast.

What is Land Mobile ? How is a from a PSTN ? Describe.

broadcast and 10

PLMN different    4+6

This question paper contains 3 printed pages]




Paper XXIV

Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.    _

1. Create the following relations :

(a) Customer (custid, custname)

Order (custid, custname, orderid, orderdate)

Item (custid, orderid, itemid, itemname, qty, rate amt,)

Note :

Assumption can be handle (made), place suitable referential integrity constraints and other constraints such as not null, unique.

Use coding standard and dont write wrong keyword, if so then there will be deduction of marks.

Note :

(>) Write syntax for insert update and delete query with an example.

2.    (a) Write a PL/SQL block to illustrate the working

of IF-THEN-ELSE. If a number is greater than the other number then it swap the two numbers otherwise it doubles them.

(6) Write a PL/SQL code. Insert a new record in table emp after abstaining values from the user.

(c) Write a PL/SQL block that obtain an empno from user if his/her salary less than 900/- then delete that record home table.

3.    What is the package and how package can be created ? Explain it with the help of an example (Package should contain of last function and one procedure).

4.    (a) What is the trigger ? Write the types of trigger

and give examples of BEFORE and AFTER trigger.

(6) Write a trigger that will execute when the duplicate value is entered in emp table and dietary on ever message Duplicate value is not allowed. 3356    2

5.    How do we handle error in PIVSQL block ?

6.    Explain the architecture of DDBMS and its advantages and disadvantages ?

7.    Why do we use procedure and function in PL/SQL ? Demonstrate with example.

3. Write short notes on ;

()    Set operation;

()    Join operation;

(c)    Query optimization;

(d)    Recovery technique.

B.C.A. (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2008 RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Paper XXIV Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Explain the difference between internal, external and conceptual schemas. How are these different schema layers related to the concept of logical and physical data independence ?

2.    (a) What is transaction ? Explain Transaction

Management in DBMS in detail.

(6) What is the difference between explicit and implicit

transaction control ?

1,000    P.T.O.

3.    (a) What is trigger ? What is the difference between

a trigger and procedure ?

(6) What is ODBC ? Explain its architecture,

4.    Create a database for the following tables and mention the domain constraints, integrity constraints for the same

Branch (Office-code, Office-desc, City)

Employee (Emnlovee-code. Employee-name, Type-code) Type (Tvoe-code. Type-details)

Account (Account-no. Branch-code, Employee-code, Balance)

Transaction (Account no. Dr.-code, amount)

Code (Dr-code. Dr-details)

Underlined one are the primary key in each table are establish a relation with foreign key, which can be seen with same name in other tables. Perform the following :

() Write a SQL for consolidate the amount from transaction file on account-no and Dr-code and update the same with amount. In case Dr-code = 1 reduce the amount from Balance and incase the Dr-code = 2, add the amount in balance.

(ii) Write a SQL for finding maximum account of an employee among all the branches in a city. This list should be citywise.

Why do we use procedure and function in PL/SQL ? Demonstrate with example.

What are views ? How are they different from actual tables ? Whenever changes are made in a table, are they automatically reflected in view and vice versa ? What is the special utility of views for which they are created ? Explain with example.

(a) Create a procedure to display the employee Name from Emp table (Database). Make the suitable assumptions.

(6) Write a function to receive a date and number of years to be added and return the value.

8. Write short notes on :

(a)    Data Mining;

(b)    Join Operations;

(c)    Data warehousing;

(d)    Dead-locks.

This question paper contains 3 printed pages]




   Paper XXIV

Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50    .

Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    (a) Explain the architecture of distributed processing


(6) Describe how to incrementally maintain the results of the following operations, on both insertions and deletions :

(i)    Union and set difference;

(ii)    Left outer join.

2.    (a) Consider a file system such as the one on your

favourite operating system.

ii) What are the steps involved in creation and deletion files, and in writing data to a file ?

(ii) Explain how the issues of atomicity and durability are relevant to the creation and deletion of files, and to writing data to files ?

(b) Explain the distinction between the terms serial schedule and serializable schedule ?

3.    What is a recoverable schedule ? Why is recoverability of schedule desirable ? Are there any circumstances under which it would be desirable to allow non-recoverable schedules ? Explain your answer,

4.    (a) When a transaction is rolled back under timestamp

ordering, it is assigned a new timestamp. Why can it not simply keep its old timestamp ?

(6) Under what conditions is it less expensive to avoid deadlock than to allow deadlocks to occur and then to detect them ?

5.    (a) Discuss the relative advantages of centralized and

distributed databases.

(6) When is it useful to have replication or fragmentation of data ? Explain your answer.

6.    (a) What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING

clause ?

(6) What is the difference between SELECT INTO and CREATE VIEW commands ?

(c) What is the difference between column constraints and table constraints ?

7.    Write a SQL statement to list all the employees in the following format :

employee (name, department, dept no.)

(i)    List the information which is sorted on emp. name.

(ii)    Find all those employees whose job does not start with *M.

(Ui) Display all employees who were hires during 1995.

8.    Give a network data structure diagram for the following relational database :

()    lives (person-name, street, city)

works (person-name, company-name, salary) location-in (company-name, city) manages (person-name, manager-name)

()    course (course-name, room, instructor) enrolment (course-name, student-name-grade).

7140    3


This question paper contains 2 printed pages]

Bachelor in Computer Application (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2007 VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING

Twenty First (BCA XXI) Paper

Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Why the Visual Basic is treated as GUI programming language ? Explain the features and importance of Visual Basic.

2.    Define the term Project in Visual Basic. Explain all possible components of VB Project.

3.    What do you understand by Event Driven Programming ? Write an event driven program to accept only names of students in a Text Box.

4.    Differentiate between :

(/) Text Box and Label;

(ii) List Box and Combo Box;

500    P.T.O.

(Hi) Check Box and Radio Button;

(iv)    Scroll Bar and Slider;

(v)    Picture control and Image control.

()    How do you access Win 32 API from VB ? Explain with example. .

()    What is MDI ? Explain the utility of Parent and Child form.

What is an Array ? Explain different types of Arrays and Collection used in Visual Basic with example. Also explain subroutines and functions.

(a) Write a program to display the content of text file in a multi line text box.

(ib) What are frames ? Explain their uses with examples.

How are external database accessed through Visual Basic ? Write the complete steps of accessing the database.

Bachelor in Computer Application (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2008


Twenty First (BCA XXI) Paper

Time allowed : Three Hours

Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Visual Basic. What is an IDE, explain in detail. How the debugger helps in rectifying syntactical and logical errors ?

2.    Visual Basic offers different type of projects. What are the usage of each of the type of projects ? Explain with the help of suitable example.

3.    Discuss the usage of the following :

(t) Timer Control

(ii)    Slider

(iii)    Scroll bar

(if) Drive and File List Box (u) Shape.

Discuss the concept of Dynamic Forms. Write a VB dynamic program to initialise all the control available on the form.

(c) Discuss the usage of SDI and MDI forms. How the menus are effected on reacted to the different types of forms,

ib) Explain declaring and calling DLL procedure with the help of example.

()    How is DLL different from an API ? Write a procedure to access Win32 API from VB.

()    Differentiate between :

(i) Design Time and Run Time {) Menus and Toolbars

(iii)    Intput/Output Statements and Control Flow Statements

(iv)    Frame and Tab Strip

U>) Graphics Controls and Text Controls.

7.    Write a program to update a table in database with the help of VB Form. The Form contains the name of Student, Year of admission, Date of Birth, percentage in 12th, Last school passed etc.

8.    (a) Why is the Visual Basic known as

Windows programming language ? What are the usage of Common Dialog Control ? Explain with example.

(6) Write a VB program to accept Student ID on the form, the control should not allow user to enter any other character except the numerals using event driven concept.

(i) Customizing the toolbars;

(ii) Generating timed events.    2x5=10

10. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(i) Drawing methods in VB using graphics control;

(ii) Coordinate systems and graphic methods;

(iti) Colors and Pixels.    2x5=10 7137

Bachelor in Computer Application (Part III) EXAMINATION, 2009 VISUAL BASIC PROGRAMMING Twenty First (BCA XXI) Paper Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 50

Attempt five questions in all, AM questions carry equal marks.

1.    (a) What are the various parts of the design state

of the VB IDE ? Explain.

(b) Write down the various features of VB.

r . k -t OTU=iV

2.    (a) What is object oriented programming ? What are

its characteristics ? Explain.

(b) What is meant by event driven programming ? How does it differ from traditional programming ?


3.    (a) Namp and givp the purpose of five types of data

available in VB. What effect does the location of a DIM statement have on the variable it declares ?


(i>) Describe how you attach code to an object.


4.    (a) What does the term Common dialog box mean ?

Name at least three types of common dialog boxes.

(6) Explain the difference between a procedure and '' a function procedure.    5+5=10

5.    (a) Name and describe three styles of combo

(6) When and how is information placed inside a list box or a combo box ?    5

()    What are different control statements available in VB ? Explain them by taking an example of each.    6

()    What do you understand by the scopaof a variable ? Illustrate with example.    4

()    What are Dynamic forms ? How can you build a dynamic form ? Illustrate with example. 5


()    Explain various drag and drop operations. 5

Write a program to update database with the help of VB form. The form contains the name of employee, his date of birth total pay, total deduction and his home address.    10


7137    3    P.T.O.


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You are here: PAPER Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University (MDSU) 2009 B.C.A Computer Application Mis - Question Paper