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Calicut University 2002 Bachelor of A.M.S DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANAM– I - Question Paper

Saturday, 11 May 2013 02:25Web

2002 Calicut University BAMS DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANAM ques. paper



Time : 3 Hours Maximum : 100 marks

Parts A and B should be answered in separate answerbooks

Part A

1. define the number of Vipakas according to Charaka and Sushruta. Mentions the criterias followed by them. (5 marks)

2. define the Karmas of Madhura vipaka on Dosha, Dhatu, Malan. (5 marks)

3. define the pancha bhoutik composition of Lavana Rasa according to Charaka and Sushruta. Mention lavanas. (4 marks)

4. define the karma of Madhura Rasa in detail (5 marks)

5. define Sheeta and Ushna Veerya in detail (5 marks)

6. discuss the concept of Prabhava in detail with examples. (7 marks)

7. discuss the relationship ranging from Rasa and Vipaka. (5 marks)

8. define in detail the classification of drugs according to Charaka. (6 marks)

9. discuss the difference ranging from Prabhava, Vichitra PratyayaArabda
and Vikritivishama Samaveda. (7 marks)

Part B

1. discuss the interrelationship ranging from Guna and Veerya (10 marks)

2. discuss the term Anulomana and Bhedana. (5 marks)

3. Write short notes on :
(a)Madana pala nighantu.
(b) Dhanwantari Nighantu (6 marks)

4. Write in detail the collection and storage of pushpa (5marks)

5. Write the drugs of Pancha and Ashtavarga. (4marks)

6. discuss the concept of Mahavisha and Upavisha (5 marks)

7. Write in general, the guna and karma of Kheera ashtakam and Mutrashtakam (5 marks)

8. discuss the general principle of Dravya shodhanam (Purification of drugs) (5 marks)

9. discuss the difference ranging from Ahara and Oushadha. (5 Marks)

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