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Calicut University 2009 B.A Philosophy ch, – V, Modern Western - Question Paper

Wednesday, 08 May 2013 01:10Web

ans any 2 ques.. every ques. carries 20 Marks. (2×20=40 Marks)
1. discuss the salient features of the Modern Western Philosophy.
2. Critically examine Leibnitz's theory of Monads.
3. discuss Locke's theory of Primary and Secondary of qualities and discuss how
Berkeley refutes them.
4. discuss the basic tenets of Existentialism.

ans any ten ques.. every ques. carries six Marks. (10×6=60 Marks)
5. What is called as Hermeneutics ?
6. discuss Descartes' method of doubt.
7. discuss Spinoza's philosophy of substances.
8. discuss the arguments of Locke against the innate ideas.
9. Write a note on Berkeley's notion of " esse est percipi."
10. Critically review Hume's rejection of causation.
11. What is knowledge according to Kant ? discuss.
12. Write short notes on 'Noumena and Phenomena'.
13. discuss the dialectics of Hegel.
14. Trace the important aspects of Logical Positivism.
15. explain the Verification theory of meaning.
16. Write a note on Phenomenology.
17. discuss Sartre's view on freedom and responsibility.
18. discuss Hume's views on impressions and ideas.
19. discuss Hegel's Absolute Idealism.
20. Write a note on Cartesian Dualism.

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