Calicut University 2009 B.A Economics ch, VI – Optional (ii) – Agricultural - Question Paper
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 09:35Web
I. select the accurate answer, write only the alphabets.
1) Large size of the Farm, use of machinery and of hired labour for cultivation are
the main characteristics of
a) Estate Farming
b) Capitalist Farming
c) Collective Farming
d) Peasant farming
2) For the medium irrigation, the cultivable command area is
a) less than 2000 hectares
b) 2000 - 5000 hectares
c) 5000 - 10000 hectares
d) More than 10000 hectares
3) Share of agriculture to the GDP in India for the year 2006-07 was
a) 18.5%
b) 20%
c) 24%
d) 14.7%
4) White Revolution is associated with
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Fish
d) Milk
5) In regulated market, the market committee is appointed by
a) State Government
b) Brokers and Farmers
c) Local bodies
d) All the above (5×1=5 Marks)
II. State actual or false.
6) Many of the agricultural products are perishable in nature.
7) Peasant Farming is also known as family farming.
8) Short term loans are provided by Land Development Banks.
9) Price elasticity of demand for most of the agricultural product is less than one.
10) The major part of agricultural land is under cash crops in India. (5×1=5 Marks)
III. Fill in the blanks.
11) The largest area under Hyv seed in India is under ___________
a) Wheat b) Rice
12) Agriculture was provided the highest priority in the
a) 1st 5 Year Plan b) 2nd 5 Year Plan
13) At the village level, the loans from the co-operative societies are distributed by
the _________
a) Primary agriculture credit societies
14) Productivity per hectare in India for all crop is comparatively _________
as compared with other countries is
a) high b) low
15) _________ are voluntary organisations.
a) Collective farms b) Co-operative farms (5×1=5 Marks)
IV. describe any 4 of the subsequent :
16) Collective farming
17) Agricultural Economies
18) HYV
19) Productivity
20) Marginal farms (4×1=4 Marks)
V. ans any 7 of the subsequent in not more than half a page.
21) Factor contribution.
22) kinds of forests in India.
23) Agricultural price policy.
24) PDS.
25) Organic Farming.
26) Regulated markets.
27) Buffer stock operations.
28) Agricultural subsidies.
29) Minimum support price
30) Farm efficiency. (7×3=21 Marks)
VI. ans any 6 of the following, every not more than 1 page.
31) Scope of agricultural economies.
32) Relationship ranging from agriculture and industry.
33) Causes for low productivity in agriculture.
34) Features of credit market in India.
35) Land utilisation in India.
36) kinds of Irrigation.
37) Green Revolution.
38) Share of agriculture in National Income.
39) Food Security in India.
40) Sources of agricultural credit in India. (6×5=30 Marks)
VII.Answer any 3 of the subsequent not exceeding 3 pages every.
41) Role of agriculture in Indian Economic development.
42) Agricultural price policy in India.
43) Cropping trend in India.
44) Impact of New Economic Reforms on Indian Agriculture.
45) Importance and sources of Agricultural Finance in India.
46) Impact of Globalisation on Agricultural Economy of Kerala. (3×10=30 Marks)
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