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Punjab University 2008 M.A Economics Agricultural -II - Question Paper

Tuesday, 07 May 2013 04:30Web

M.A Agricultural Economics-II ques. paper

Agricultural Economics-II
(New Course)
Time : three Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : (1) All ques. carry equal marks.
(2) Write the identical ques. number in your ans book as mention in
your ques. paper.
1. provide the reasons for low productivity of livestock in India. discuss the measures taken
by the government to raise the quality of livestock. (25)
(a) Uses of band.
(b) Rural social infrastructure.
2. discuss the concept of land reforms ? Examine its role in agricultural development in
India. (25)
(a) Sources and methods of Irrigation.
(b) issues of major Irrigation Projects.
3. What do you mean by “Agricultural marketing” ? discuss in detail functions and
structure of Agricultural marketing. (25)
State objectives of Agricultural Price Policy. discuss in brief its instruments. Critically
evaluate Agricultural Price Policy in India.
4. elaborate the defects of land revenue system in India ? Evaluate Agricultural Holding
Tax proposed by Raj committee in this regard. (25)
Short note (Any two) :
(i) Meaning and importance of rural industrialization.
(ii) Peasant and capitalist farming.
(iii) Public Distribution System & its weaknesses in India.
(iv) kinds of Uncertainties.

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