Punjab University 2008 B.A Philosophy Indian Ethics- A - Question Paper
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 08:15Web
Note: (i) Attempt 5 ques. in all, selecting 1 from every unit. ques. No. one is compulsory.
1. Attempt any 9 of the subsequent in 20-30 words: (9X2=18)
(1) Kama as Purushartha
(2) Moksa as Purushartha
(3) Svadharma
(4) Ashrama Dharma
(5) Seva
(6) Parupkar
(7) Hukum
(8) Ahimsa
(9) Definition of Yoga
(10) Sarvodaya
(11) Relevance of Posture in yoga
(12) Importance of Shav Asana
(13) Pranayama
(14) Therepeutic value of yoga
(15) Surya Namaskar.
2. explain the salient features of Indian Ethical System with special reference to the concept of Dharma. (18)
3. Examine the Varna Vyavastha and its relevance in our current times. (18)
4. discuss the Buddhist Doctrine of Pratityasamutpad. (18)
5. explain the 4 fold noble truths duty explaining the 8 fold path of morality propounded by Buddhist philosophy. (18)
6. explain the concept of Satyagraha. (18)
7. How does Nishkama Karma liberates man in action? (18)
8. explain the concept of Lok-Sangraha according to Bhagvadgita. (18)
9. discuss the concept of yoga according to Patanjali. (18)
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