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Punjab University 2008 B.A -A GEOGRAPHY (Resources and Environment World Patterns) - Question Paper

Tuesday, 07 May 2013 07:25Web

1. ans any ten of the following: (15)
(i) What is meant by Environment ?
(ii) describe the term potential resources.
(iii) What is the role of man in the deveiopement of resources ?
(iv) What do you understand by the term ‘conservation of Resources’ ?
(v) How is under ground water polluted ?
(VI) How forests check soil erosion ?
(vii) What is the effect of ocean currents on the fisheries ?
(viii) elaborate the major coal fields of U.S.A. ?
(ix) What is liquid Gold ?
(x) describe the literacy,
(xi) Name 3 areas of high density of population.
(xii) What is urbanization ?
(xiii) describe census.
(xiv) What do you understand by ecdlogy ?
(xv) Write names of atleast 3 Emerging Environmental problems.

2. What do you mean by resources ? How are the resources and environment interlinked? (13)

3. Distinguish ranging from Biotic and Abiotic resources. discuss the Biotic resources in detail. (12)

4. define the 4 major fishing regions of the world. Why have 1: sheries not developed in Tropics? (12)

5. explain the distribution and production of petroleum in the middle East Countries and India. (3)

6. elaborate the causes of population growth ? What is the impact of rapid growth of
population on the Economic development of a country ? (13)

7. Divide the world into major population-resources regions and discuss U.S.A. kind population resource region in detail. (13)

8. What is deforestation ? Analyse the causes and consequences of deforestation and
methods for the conservation of forests. (12)

9. Write notes on the following: (12)
(a) Conservation of Bio-diversity.
(b) Population size and food security.

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