Punjab University 2008 B.A Economics - : B, : Part - II - Question Paper
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 02:15Web
(Public Finance and International Economics)
B.A. 2nd Year
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90
Note: Candidates are needed to attempt 5 ques. selecting at
least 1 ques. from every part. ques. No. one is compulsory.
Each ques. will carry 18 marks.
1. Do any 9 of the following:
(a) Wiseman Peacock's legal regulations.
(b) Value Added Tax.
(c) Need for the study of taxable capacity.
(d) Difference ranging from Balance of Trade and Balance of payments.
(e) Four ways of redemption of public debt.
(f) Absolute difference in costs.
(g) Objectives of new foreign trade policy.
(h) Free trade.
(i) Limits of WTO.
(j) Flexible rate of exchange.
(k) Special Drawing Rights(SDRs) in India.
(l) Mention the failures of IMF.[Marks 9x2=18]
2. What is Public Finance ? discuss its scope and importance.[Marks 18]
3. Define Tax. discuss the main characteristics of a good taxation
system.[Marks 18]
4. Discuss the demand and supply theory of Incidence of taxation.[Marks 18]
5. What is deficit financing ? Examine its role in the economic development
of underdeveloped countries.[Marks 18]
6. Critically examine the Modern Theory of International Trade.[Marks 18]
7. Explain the different terms of trade.[Marks 18]
8. What do you mean by rate of exchange ? How is it determined by Purchasing
Power Parity Theory ?[Marks 18]
9. Discuss the objectives, achievements and failures of the World Bank.[Marks 18]
Earning: Approval pending. |