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Punjab University 2008 B.A Physical Education - : B, : Part - II - Question Paper

Tuesday, 07 May 2013 01:35Web

B.A. 2nd Year

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 45

Note: (i) Unit-I is compulsory.Attempt 4 ques. from unit II,III,IV
and V, selecting not more than 1 ques. from every Unit.
(ii) All ques. carry equal marks.


1. Attempt all questions:

(i) What is blood clotting ?

(ii) Draw capillaries and illustrate them.

(iii) Draw large intestine and name the parts.

(iv) What is residual air ?

(v) Give the definition of Yoga.

(vi) Write down the abbreviation of AIDS.

(vii) Give 3 common precautions when a person performs the Yoga Asanas.

(viii) Name any 3 common injuries which are seen during sports

(ix) What is spiritual health ?[Marks 9x1=9]


2. Draw the diagram of respiratory system, illustrate it, and discuss the mechanism
of respiration.[Marks 9]

3. Draw the diagram of digestive system, illustrate it, and discuss the functions
of digestive system.[Marks 9]


4. Give the structure of Heart and discuss cardiac cycle.[Marks 9]

5. What is composition of blood ? discuss it with suitable diagram.[Marks 9]


6. What is the mode of transmission of Viral Hepatitis 'B' and provide methods of
prevention ?[Marks 9]

7. Explain the 8 parameters of Astang Yoga.[Marks 9]


8. Explain in detail about fracture, sprain and confusion.[Marks 9]

9. What are the scope of Rehabilitation for sports disabled ?[Marks 9]

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