Lovely Professional University 2010 B.C.A Computer Application Analysis and design of Information system(MID TERM) - Question Paper
Friday, 25 January 2013 03:20Web
learner Reg. No.
CAP302 : Analysis and design of info system
Time Allowed: 1.5hr Maximum Marks (MM):50
1. This Paper contains six ques. divided in 3 parts on two pages.
2. Part A and B are compulsory.
3. In Part C (Questions four to 6), attempt any two ques. out of 3. Attempt all parts
of the ques. choosen.
4. The marks assigned to every ques. are shown at the end of every ques. in
square brackets.
5. ans all the ques. in serial order.
Part - A
a. discuss the term System Analyst with examples. [2]
b. Write down the various categories of info systems. [2]
c. what are the term Decision Tables with examples. [2]
d. what are the various activities involved in Reqruitment Determination. [2]
e. describe the term Cost Benefit Analysis with examples. [2]
a. As a project manager, write down the procedures you will follow to consider the
feasibility of the "Examination System Project" of a particular university. [5]
b. As a team leader how will you determine the requirements of a particular project
allocated to your team? Take examples of any project and discuss. [5]
Part - B
Q3. give a detailed explaination of the tools available in ADI for documenting
procedures and decisions. [10]
Part - C
Q4. Suppose you want to develop an "Employee info system" for a multinational
company. Identify the SDLC steps needed for its implementation. [10]
Q5. As a manager of a board of directors of a multi-national company, how will you
choose the project for your company and how will you create the review document for
identical. [10]
Q6. During the initial stage of a project development in your company, as a project
manager you realized that the fact it will not be feasible for your company to deliver the
project well in time and at the needed cost by client. Now discuss the procedures to
handle this infeasible project. [10]
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