Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) 2008 B.Sc Geology Applied - Question Paper
Maximum Marks: 40 Duration . Three Hours.
Answer all questions.
1. Discuss in detail the role of geology in Urban planning citing suitable examples. 07
1 . Write explanatory notes on the following:
(a) Environmental policy
(b) Use of geo-data in land use and urban planning.
2. What do you understand by Medical geology? Comment on its future scope
and give geological factors of environmental health. 07
3. Distinguish between a raster and vector GIS data. Discuss in detail the function
and application of GIS in geo-sciences 07
3. Write explanatory notes on the following:
(a) Conical Map projections
(b) Global Positioning System.
4. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: 06
(a) Principle and function of AAS.
(b) Significance of precision and accuracy in geo-chemical analysis.
(c) Soil and water sampling methods.
5. What are the basic qualities that signify a gemstone? Describe briefly the various physical and optical properties used for the identification of gemstone, give suitable examples. 07
5. Write brief notes on the following:
(a) Pleochroism
(b) Luminescence
(c) Chatoyancy
(d) Asterism
r> Describe the methods of identification ot the following.
(a) Ruby
(b) Moonstone
(c) Kyanite
(d) Spinel
(e) Topaz.
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