Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2006 B.Sc Information Technology 06 - Question Paper
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Advanced JAVA Nov 2006 Elective 1C0N/4467(c)-06.
' XE-4S31 [ Total Macks : 100
( 3 Hours )
N.B. : (1) Question No. I is Compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four question from remaining Question Nos. 2 (o 7.
(3) Draw labelled neat diagrams wherever necessary.
1. (a) Write a short note on:- 8
(i) JButton. (ii) JTable.
(b) Describe various Implicit objects of the JSP? What is the scope of 6 those objects?
(e) Explain Cookies in HTTP? How ii is used in session tracking? 6
2. (a) (b)
Explain Session Tracking in Servlet?An<3 what a're the two ways of session tracking in servlet.List atleast 3 methods in HttpSession? What is a JAR files? What are the options available with the JAR files?
Write a program using JDBC AIM to create the following table student_details in microsol't access:
1 .Create a table with detail as Student_namc varchar2(50), age varchar2(20), phone_nuinber number(iO)
Answer the following: ' .
(i) What arc the major differences in comparison between JSP and ASP?
(ii) Explain the concept of Introspection of the Bean?
Explain what is a Swing? List the advantages of Swing.
Write a Session Servlet program to create a form which accepts user information and find number of visits to the page.
(a) Explain Constraint- .1 prrpcrty oI Beans briefly.
(b) Explain different types of JDBC Driver Managers'.
(c) Explain Java Server Pages (JSP) ?What are the the advantages using JSP over Servlcis?
5. (a) What is meant by Design Pattern of the Beans? What are the property types that support design patterns?
(b) Write short note on Session Management in JSP.
(c) Write a program using Swing API and Add event listeners to create a hierarchy of Coir.juter Science and I,T department using JTree components.And jn st lecting any of ue nodes, the path should display on the Te-.tField.
(a) What are the seven basic steps far using JDBC to access a 8 database? Explain briefly with syntax.
(b) Explain Bean info Interface bricfly.And what are the different 6 Descriptors that cor..dn in Bcanlnfo classses?
(c) Write a program using JSP tags to Compute Factorial numbers 6 from 1 to 10.
(a) Answer following.- - (any two):
(i) What is a Java Beans? What are the advantages of using Java Beans?.
(ii) Explain JDBC Driver Model.
(iii) Explain Synchronization issues in JSP.
(b) Write a sliorl notes on: (any one)
(i) JSP Access Models.
(ii) Life cycle of Servlet.
(c) What are the various JSP tags available?
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