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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education 2009 Certification MS-CIT Bank Set 7 - Question Paper

Saturday, 04 May 2013 10:05Web
4) Type 'Monday' in any cell; click on text and drag till 'Friday' appears

38. In MS-Excel, to Keep row and column titles (labels) visible as you scroll :
1) Click the cell beneath and to the right of the row or column tags (titles);.Select "Windows"; choose "Freeze Panes"
2) Select the sheet; right click on it; choose "Visible"
3) Click the cell beneath and to the right of the row or column lables (titles);Select " Windows"; choose "Split"
4) On Standard toolbar; choose "Unscroll Titles"

39. In MS-Excel, to make a identical entry in a range of cells:
1) Select cells; kind data and double click
2) Select the cells; kind data and click on "Redo Button" on the toolbar
3) Select cells in which you want to kind identical entry; kind data and Press Ctrl + Enter
4) Select the cells in which you want to kind identical entry; kind data and press Enter

40. In MS-Excel, to move the worksheet in the identical workbook :
1) Select "File"; choose "Move"
2) Right click any where on the current worksheet;
3) select "Move Worksheet" Move mouse pointer from left to right
4) Place the mouse pointer on the sheet tab; click and drag it to the desired position

41. In MS-Excel, to open a new workbook :
1) Press Ctrl + O
2) Select "File" on the status bar
3) Click on begin button; choose "New".
4) Select "File"; choose "New".

42. In MS-Excel, to resize a chart :
1) Select chart; point to a sizing handle until the pointer modifications to double headed arrow; drag it to needed size
2) Select "Edit"; choose "Resize"
3) Select the chart; right click on it; choose "Resize"
4) Goto Formatting toolbar; click on "Resize"

43. In MS-Excel, to resize the column according to the length of the text (column width to fit the contents):
1) Position the mouse pointer at the right edge of the column heading; double click on it.
2) Select the entire column; right click on it; choose "Autofit".
3) Place the mouse pointer at the left edge of the column label; double click on it.
4) Select column; choose " Format"; choose "Resize".

44. In MS-Excel, to choose all the cells on a Worksheet :
1) Click on the rectangle on upper left corner of the Worksheet where row and column heading intersect
2) Select the 1st cell of the sheet; right click on it; click "Select all"
3) Select "Edit"; choose "Select All"
4) Select "File"; choose "Select all"

45. In MS-Excel, to choose an entire row :
1) Double click on any cell in the row; right click on it; click on "Select Row"
2) Double click on any cell in the row
3) Click on Row heading of the row that you want to choose
4) Select "Edit"; click on "Select Row"

46. In MS-Excel, to choose non – adjacent cells :
1) Select the 1st cell; hold down CTRL and choose the other cells
2) Select the 1st cell; hold down Shift and choose the other cells
3) Select the 1st cell; hold down ALT and choose other cells
4) All of the above

47. In MS-Excel, to choose the view that indicates you what data will go on every page and lets you quickly adjust the print area and page breaks :
1) Select "View"; choose "Normal"
2) Select "View"; choose "Page Break Preview"
3) Select "Format"; choose "Sheet"; choose "Preview"
4) Select "File"; choose "Print Preview"

48. In MS-Excel, to set the orientation of the printed worksheet to portrait or landscape
1) Select "File"; choose "Print" and choose portrait or landscape
2) Select "File"; choose "Page Setup", click the "Page" tab, and choose portrait or landscape
3) Select "File"; choose "Print Preview"; choose "paper"; and choose portrait or landscape
4) Select "View"; choose "Page break preview"; and choose portrait or landscape

49. In MS-Excel, to shade opted cells :
1) Select cells; on "Formatting" toolbar or "Drawing" toolbar, click the dropdown button of "Fill color"; choose color
2) Right click on opted cells; choose "Insert"; click on "Fill color"
3) Double click on opted cells; choose shades
4) Select cells; choose "Edit"; click on "Fill color"

50. In MS-Excel, to shrink an entire worksheet so that it fits on a specified number of pages :
1) Select "Edit"; choose "Shrink".
2) Select the text to be shrinked; choose "Format"; choose "Shrink to fit".
3) Select "File"; choose "Page Setup", click the "Page" tab, specify the number of pages in "Fit To" box.
4) Click the minimize button on the upper right hand corner of the window for shrinking the text.

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