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Andhra University 2005 M.C.A PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING UNING ‘C’ - Question Paper

Friday, 03 May 2013 08:40Web

M.C.A. DEGREE exam.
Frist Year – 1st Semester
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 – 2005)
Time: three Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

1. Explain the subsequent briefly
a) Efficiency of algorithms
b) Program testing
c) Rules for defining variables
D) Scanf
e) go to statement
f) break statement
g) pointer in arrays
h) Recursion
i) malloc ()
j) Hash searching

2. a) Develop an algorithm to calculate the sum of the 1st n terms of
the series
S = one - three + five - seven + nine .......................
Describe all intermediate steps

b) Design an algorithm that reads in a set of n single digits and
converts them into a single decimal integer. For example, the
algorithm should convert the set of five digits {2,7,4,9,3} to the
integer 27493.

3. a) discuss varous data kinds and kind conversions
b) discuss output functions in C

4. Write a C program to print sin(x) series

5. a) elaborate the various kinds of parameters passing techniques?

b) Write a C program to check whether provided number is armstrong
or not.

6. a) elaborate the different string handling functions in C
b) Write a C program to count number of words, number of lines
to a provided text.

7. a) discuss the functions for file handling
b) How the Header files are helpful in C language

8. a) Write a C program to remove duplicates in an ordered array
b) discuss dynamic memory allocation.

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