Kuvempu University 2010 B.Sc Information Technology Fifth Semester (I.T.) , ./ (Directorate of Distance Education) WEB PROGRAMMING - Question Paper
Thursday, 24 January 2013 07:40Web
Instructions : 1) Part A is compulsory.
2) ans any 5 full ques. from Part B.
ans all the ques. : (5X5=25)
a) What is the meaning of Web ? provide the differences ranging from internet and intranet.
b) List the various classification of HTML tags.
c) discuss with example query string.
d) What is JSP ? How it is various from CGI programming ?
e) discuss with example the meaning of servlet.
ans any 5 full ques.. (15x5=75)
1. a) With the help of an example discuss GET and POST Methods. 8
b) "HTML is the language of Web". discuss 7
2. a) With the help of an example discuss any 4 HTML tags. 8
b) Demonstrate the use of anchor tag with the help of a simple HTML page. 7
3. a) discuss CSS with the help of an example. 7
b) elaborate the main differences ranging from HTML and DHTML. 8
4. a) Briefly define the working of web server. 7
b) discuss the important of web.xml. 8
BSIT - 52
5. a) discuss different JSP directives. 7
b) discuss implicit object out, request response in a JSP page. 8
6. a) Which 2 packages implement the servlet APL ? 7
b) discuss the semantics of the HTML FORM element 8
7. a) With the help of an example briefly the hidden control in a web page. 7
b) elaborate the main difference ranging from sessions and applications ? 8
8. a) discuss working of SSL with the help of an example. 7
b) What is EJB ? Briefly define the roles of remote and home interfaces in 8
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