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Andhra University 2010 B.Com English - Question Paper

Wednesday, 01 May 2013 01:20Web


PART-1 (i): ENGLISH (Common Core Scheme)


(Effective from the admitted batch upto 2004-2005) Time: Three Hours    Maximum: 100 marks

1. Read the following passage and answer the question that follow.    5x1=5 M

Success brings with it a sense of achievement and satisfaction at having done one's work wellA It leads to happiness, confidence in one's abilities, and a feeling of pride. But one must not allow success to go to one's headhe main reason for the downfall of many successful people has been their lack of humility and their overconfidence. The pride brought about by their success makes many people blind to the suggestions and advice of others) They close their minds and cannot accept that they may need help from other people. It has often happened. Those who were popular became unpopular because of an arrogant attitude after achieving success.

1. Why does success bring a sense of achievement?

2.    What does success sometimes lead to ?

3.    What is the main reason for the downfall of a few successful people according to the passage.

4.    What must successful people take into consideration ?

5.    Pick out a word from the passage that is closest in meaning to 'proud'.

Read the following passage and answer the questions th at fo How.    5x15M

'Robot' was once a dream of the science -novelists. It became a reality with the rapid progress in electronics and computer technology which helped to build an intelligent robot in 1968. The first commercial robot was developed in 1973. Since then a new field of technology has been getting much importance. This new branch technology is called 'robotics' which concerns all problems in robot design, development and application.

Robots can be classified in many ways but all of them have some common elements such as manipulator, controller, end effector, sensors and

Energy sources. The open tional unit of a robot constitutes of the articulated mechanical system, the actuators and the transmission system. The operational unit is controlled by the computer which receives commands from the operator.

A typical industrial robot comprises the operational unit and the controller. The general purpose computer is replaced by a simpler programmed automation which carries out specific tasks irrespective of change in the environments. In spite of these fantastic possibilities, robots are also taken as a threat to human resourcefulness.

1.    What is robotics ?

2.    List out the common elements of a robot ?

3.    Explain the features of an industrial robot.

4.    Why was robotics 'once a dream' ?

5.    Why are robots consider'fet?

3. Grammar

a. Correctthef&tewing sentences wherever necessary.

10x1 = 10M

1.    My father is reading the Hindu generally.

2.    The strawberry cake tastes deliciously.

3    SB-101

3. How could she blame you and he for the accident? . ne should take his responsibilities seriously.

V Do you think Anil is most intelligent than his brother Sunil.

6.    The road become narrow after three miles.

7.    I have three sister-in-laws all of them stay abroad.

8.    Why is the Lion considered strongest animal ?

9.    I bought a five feet ladder yesterday.

10.    The sun is the most unique one in the'solar system.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list given in brackets.    5x1=5M

1.    Place the ladder V'**-' the wall.

2.    Stand,    shade.

3.    Open your books j?-"* page 17.

4.    Do you have any money J&j$S$;you.

5.    She walked: frhe road aimlessly.

(ijp, at, along, against, wih)

c)    Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in an order.    x 1=5M

1.    Because, irresponsible boys mis behave.

2.    Another problem is uncontrollable smoking. /

3.    It has become difficult for girls to travel in city buses.

, $ conductors pass over these mannerless activities.


5. As they are afraid of rowdyism. - *

d)    Rewrite as directed.    5x1 =5M

1.    She worked hard. She failed.

(Combine the two sentences)

2.    It was proposed io hold a meeting.

(Change the voice)

3.    Gold is not the most expensive of metals.

. (Change into comparative degree)

4.    lHari said, "Naresh, may I take your book".

(Change into reported speech)

5.    The children were playing foot ball.

(Add a suitable question tag)

e) Fill up the blanks with appropriate ps@co<?:+'' .


Ter >e Indicates the time _ /X a verb.

.n ;    ".a'ir

Acc. inn* time, we have three tenses. Each

v....... IT' these main tenses is sub-divided

'?* c.___four examples help us_______

understand them better.

4. a. Change the following dialogue into a repprpr a short paragraph using the opinions, ideas and argueijnents expressed in the dialogue. 5M

A : Why aren't you seen in the Library these days? There is so much to do.

B : I know. I feel going to an internet cafe is better than going to the Library. There is so much of information on the internet.

A : But browsing through such voluminous information could actually waste your time. Apart from this, there are so many distractions.

B : Coming to think of it, you are right. We tend to chat, look at ads as we collect information. One has to be extremely focussed while using the internet.

b. Write a paragraph of about 10 lines using hints given and su&st a suitable title.    5M

L dng plenty of water_he rhy_

'i V

removes toxins from body_helps _ blood

circulation_clear skin_intet . organs

cleaned____Kidneys function___well

_beneficial in all respects.

5.    Answer any Two of the following in 75 words.

2x5= 10M

1.    What did Eve do after she left Oxford ?

2.    Describe Dasa, the servant.

3.    What was Nehru's to Indira.

4.    What does the history of science tell us.

6.    Explain any Two of the following with reference to the context.    2x5=10M

1. "Why, we haven't had a dry day for weeks, have

we ?"

. 2. 'Your neglect of the garden and the lawns is responsible for all these......"

3.    I have deliberately chosen my path........

4.    They have been men : men who had faith in the future.



7.    Answer any Two    2x5=1OM

a.    What does Waller say in 'Go. Lovely Rose*.

b.    Critically appreciate The Express*.

c.    What is the moral of 'On Killing a Tree1.

d.    State the theme of 'Piano and Drums'.

8.    Explain any Two with reference to context.



a.    Wrapt in her music no bird-song, no, nor bough | Breaking with honey buds, shall ever equal.

b.    Guesting a while in the rooms of a beautiful inn.

c.    But this alone won't do it.

Laugh, and be proud to belong to the old pageant of man.

9.    Answer any ONE of the following in about 200 words.    10M Comment on the characterisation of Mulk Raj

Anand from The Gold Watch.

b.    Lemon Yellow and Fig is an expert presentation of irony-comment.

c.    What is the theme of 'God sees the Truth but    j waits'.

2010-A    $ DE/213/1/10

8    SB-101


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