Andhra University 2007 B.B.A MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES AND BEHAVIOUR - Question Paper
Wednesday, 01 May 2013 12:05Web
I YEAR ASSIGNMENT ques. PAPER 2007 – 2008
(Applicable to Admitted Batches from 1998 to 2006)
Assignment No. 1
ans All ques. : five x five = 25 Marks
1. Who is a Professional Manager ? elaborate his responsibilities ? What
managerial skills should he possess ?
2. What is Organisational Climate ? elaborate the reasons for modifications in
organisational climate ? How do you manage change ?
3. elaborate Organisational Goals ? discuss how a balance has to be
maintained ranging from individual and organizational goals.
4. “Controlling is backward looking, not forward looking”. explain the
statement and define the steps involved in controlling process.
5. What is Management by Objectives ? elaborate its salient features ?
Can it be uniformly applied in all countries, in all organisations and
at all times ? substantiate.
Assignment No. 2
ans All ques. : five x five = 25 Marks
1. elaborate the unique and contrasting features of American Vs.
Japanese Style of management ? Which among them is suitable for
Indian situation ?
2. discuss the major decision making models. How can you ensure
rationality in decision making ?
3. What is meant by Coordination ? elaborate the principles of
coordination ? elaborate the limits to coordination ?
4. describe leadership. State the various styles of leadership. Which style
of leadership is more effective ? Why ?
5. discuss the importance of effective communication in an organisation.
elaborate the barriers in communication ? How can you remove those
barriers ?
Earning: Approval pending. |