Andhra University 2007 B.B.A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Question Paper
Wednesday, 01 May 2013 12:00Web
I YEAR ASSIGNMENT ques. PAPER 2007 – 2008
(Applicable to Admitted Batches from 1998 to 2006)
Assignment No. 1
ans All ques. : five x five = 25 Marks
1. “Private sector is superior to public sector in the aspects of quality
maintenance and spirit of Competitiveness”. If it is true, provide reasons
or if it is false provide reasons.
2. explain the role of Small Scale Industry in Economic Development of
3. What is economic environment of business ? discuss the changing
role of government based on economic environment.
4. What is Mixed Economy ? Do you advocate continuation of mixed
economy in India ? Substantiate your argument.
5. Examine the extent of sickness in Indian Industry. What have caused
it ? What measures have been taken so far to set right the situation ?
What further suggestions do you recommend ?
Assignment No. 2
ans All ques. : five x five = 25 Marks
1. Do you support the unregulated inflow of foreign capital into India ?
Substantiate your argument.
2. Examine in detail the salient features of the current export and
import policy of our country.
3. Critically evaluate the current Industrial Policy of Government of
India. Do you advocate any modifications in it ? provide reasons for your
4. “Economic reforms have to be implemented keeping in view the need
for maintaining social justice”. provide your comments.
5. Review the fiscal policies of Indian Government during the postliberalised
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