Deemed University 2010 B.Ed University: Lingayas University Term: I Title of the : Teaching of Business Studies - Question Paper
Roll No. ..
Lingayas University, Faridabad
B.Ed (Term I )
Examination July, 2010
Teaching of Business Studies (ED-105)
[Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 100]
Before answering the question, candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct and complete question paper. No complaint in this regard will be entertained after the examination.
Note: All questions carry equal marks. Attempt five questions. Question 1 is compulsory. Select two questions from Section B & two from Section C.
Section A
Q-1. Attempt the following questions in brief: (10x2=20)
(i) Role of Business Studies in achieving vocationalisation of Education.
(ii) Significance of story telling method in teaching of Business Studies.
(iii) Essential qualities of Business Studies Teacher.
(iv) Steps in action research
(v) Write two advantages of project method in Business Studies.
(vi) Differentiate between curriculum and syllabus
(vii) What do you mean by supervised study?
(viii) Write two defects of Essay type tests.
(ix) Define pedagogical analysis.
(x) Write down the steps of diagnostic testing.
Section B
Q-2. What should be the aim of teaching of Business Studies in democratic setup of India. Discuss why should the teaching of business studies starts at the senior secondary stage only. (20)
Q-3. Illustrate with examples the RCEM approach of writing objectives in behavioural terms. Discuss its merits and Demerits. (20)
Q-4. What is problem solving? Describe the various steps in teaching business studies through problem solving method? How will you make a choice of suitable problem for students. (20)
Section C
Q-5. Write down the pedagogical analysis of the topic TRADE in teaching of Business Studies. (20)
Q-6. What principles to be kept into consideration while constructing Business Studies Curriculum for Senior Secondary Stage? (20)
Q-7. Explain briefly the various types of tests to be used for measuring achievement in Business Studies. Give an example of each type. (20)
Q-8. Explain the importance of the following co-curricular activities in teaching of Business Studies: (20)
(i) Trade fairs (ii) Supervised study
(iii) Team Teaching (iv) Seminar
fgUnh izk:i
[k.M+ & v
iz'u & 1. fuEufyf[kr ij laf{kIr fyf[k,A (10x2=20)
(i) fk{kk dk O;kolk;hdj.k djus esa O;kolkf;d v/;;u dh HkwfedkA
(ii) LVksjh VSfyax fof/k dk O;olkf;d v/;;u esa egRoA
(iii) O;olkf;d v/;;u ds v/;kid ds xq.kA
(iv) dk;ZRed [kkst ds pj.kA
(v) O;kolkf;d v/;;u esa ;kstuk fof/k ds nks ykHk fyf[k,A
(vi) ikB~~;e rFkk Lyscl esa varj Li"V dhft,A
(vii) Ik;Zos{k.k v/;;u fof/k ls vki D;k le>rs gSA
(viii) fuca/kkRed ijh{k.k dh nks dfe;kWa fyf[k,A
(ix) fk{kk&kkL=kh; foys"k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
(x) funkukRed ijh{k.k ds pj.k fyf[k,A
Hkkx & c
iz'u & 2. Hkkjr tSls x.kra=k esa O;kolkf;d v/;;u ds D;k y{; gksus pkfg,\ foospuk dhft,A dsoy mPpre ek/;fed Lrj ij gh O;kolkf;d fk{kk dks D;ksa kkfey fd;k tkuk pkfg,\ (20)
iz'u & 3. mnkgj.k lfgr ms;ksa dks O;kolkf;d :i esa fy[kus dh vkj- lh- bZ- ,e- vo/kkj.kk dh foospuk djks rFkk blds xq.k rFkk voxq.k Hkh crk,saA (20)
iz'u & 4. leL;k lek/kku D;k gS\ leL;k lek/kku fof/k ls O;kolkf;d v/;;u dks i<+kus ds fy, mBk, tkus okys pj.kksa dh foospuk dhft,A vki dSls ,d leL;k ds fy, mfpr gy dk pquko djsaxsaA (20)
Hkkx & l
iz'u & 5. O;kolkf;d v/;;u esaa O;kikj fo"k; ij ,d fk{kk&kkL=kh; foys"k.k rS;kj dhft,A (20)
iz'u & 6. mPprj ek/;fed Lrj ij O;kolkf;d v/;;u dk ikB~;e rS;kj djrs le; fdUk&fdu fl}karksa dk ikyu djuk pkfg,A (20)
iz'u & 7. O;kolkf;d v/;;u esa miyfC/k dks ekius ds fy, iz;qDr dh tkus okyh fofHkUu ijh{k.k fof/k;ksa dh la{ksi esa O;k[;k dhft,A izR;sd dk ,d&,d mnkgj.k Hkh nhft,A (20)
iz'u & 8. O;kolkf;d v/;;u esa fuEufyf[kr ikB~;&lgxkeh f;kvksa ds egRo dh O;k[;k fdft,A (20)
(i) O;kolkf;d esys (ii) Ik;Zos{k.k v/;;u
(iii) lewg fk{kk (iv) lsehukj
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