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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) SB-1227 Compulsory English Second Year B.S.W - Question Paper

Monday, 29 April 2013 08:45Web

Time : 3 Hours]


Second Year B. S. W. Examination March / April - 2011 Compulsory English

[Total Marks

Instructions :


Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S. Y. B. S. W.

Name of the Subject:

Compulsory English

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

(2)    Answer all questions.

(3)    Mention clearly the options that you attempt.

(a)    Answer any three of the following :    12

(i)    What, according to Gardiner, are the different modes of greeting?

(ii)    Can you tell how Thursday is named. Explain how the other days are named too.

(iii)    How did Hegel lack wisdom in his Philosophy of history?

(iv)    What does Abraham Lincolns career exemplify?

(v)    What do you mean by the seven ages of man? How does Jaques explain them?

(b)    Write short notes on any two :    8

(i)    Miltons view on Sonnet

(ii)    The setting of Grays poem

(iii)    Show on True joy of life.

(c)    Write antonyms of the following :    5

Agree, normal, careful, increase, human,

(a) Change the following into the indirect speech :

(i) The teacher said to the Students, The Sun rises in the east

(ii)    Bharat says, Ram will not go to the forest

(iii)    The Principal said, Why do you come late?

(iv)    Kanak said,Does he play Cricket well?

(v)    Bhavesh said, Madam, I am confused, Guide me,

(b)    Use the following words in your own sentences.    5 Create, Smart, Sweet, Destroy, Appeal

(c)    Rewrite the following paragraph using suitable    5 punctuation marks :

It is not only in public but in private life equally that wisdom is needed we should pay more emphasis on wisdom in our daily life wisdom is important for making our character good and noble.

3    (a) Write a letter to your friend informing about your 10

plan during the Summer vacation.


(b) Write a letter to your father about your good result in the Semester examination of the University.

4    Write a report on any one of the following and submit 10 to the prncipal :

(i)    NSS Camp

(ii)    Study -tour

(iii)    Republic Day Celebration.

5    Write a precis of the following passage and give a suitable title :

Trees are of importance not only to man, but also to other animals and birds. The branches give shelter to all-human beings, birds and animals. Forests protect our environment and give us rain, wood and other useful things for survival. We respect trees for their values and usefulness. They give us wood for building doors, windows and furniture in the house. In ancient times, the wood was the chief source of fuel and weapon. People used wood for getting fire as well as protecting themselves from dangers. They made boat and anchor to cross the river and do business in different places. In ancient times, our saints built their ashrams amidst forest and depended on fruits and flowers collected from forests to survive and meditate. The disciples of these Saints were educated to develop a close relationship with trees, birds and animals in the forest and enjoy their beauty. We, in modern times, do not have this close contact with trees and Nature.

SB-1227]    2    [ 100 ]


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