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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2010-2nd Year Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed ) Rr-0926 Introto Edu& EduMethods B.P.E - Question Paper

Monday, 29 April 2013 11:35Web

RR-0926 Second Year B. P. E. Examination March / April - 2010 Intro, to Edu. & Edu. Methods

[Total Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours]



Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S. Y. B. P. E.

Name of the Subject:

Intro, to Edu. & Edu. Methods

-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:

(0 *11 jwmnl hr. d.

(3) dHLH Jl*lHi WH    d.

(y) dHLH Jl*lHi |M *RHl d.

*1 -flaHl UflHl (3tR aHl ?HlHl : (IH d &ld)    *IY

(*l) lWl?SHl Hd JlHlSi    M    ?

(0 Jl$Rl<U&*iHl Hd    S$L.

(3) Sltflki Rl%Sl iq.>i[Hl *idV>l <Hll ?HlHdl Hd =H5d

(y)    Rl%Sl foHl %lH*U*iL Wlicfl.

(m)    Hnil ftlWiHl WWl.

(e)    *iIh ?hmi ?

(0)    &$lfel *UHdl anael ?

U)    H**U6H (Hl'Yd-fl *15>UH WWl.

(cj)    5HOHRUH HidVtl    WWl.

(*10) C-UMlltM YHld WWl.

3. OlOlH Hdti fa.ld    IX


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K) [=Ul 0LLtllS5)'rlL [cRRl q.<iWl.    v9

3 t*WL fedR anwiL.    *IX


3 RwiSl Sbl-fl. %lH*U*iL ?Hd (3K1 [=Ul ?HlUdl Hdti WWl.    *IX

X    ?Hd    &fed3. Hlfecft ?HLHl. *IX


X (*l) &W151 to *m. ?Hd SiHL tt*m<il.    

(<h) aiail H[cidL <21LHL<21LH SlHWiL.    

H LH d HSKL (3x11 ?HLHl :    *IX

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(3)    aiai[ HtfRHl IL<HLIL<H.

(x)    fe-a* 3lld.

(m)    ?Hd HIMAH.

(?)    [=Ul vflTtfHM. apikdl *id<*il.

RR-0926]    2    [ 100 ]


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