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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2008 M.C.A Core Java Programming - - Question Paper

Monday, 29 April 2013 08:00Web

CD-4827 M. C. A. (Sem. IV) Examination November / December - 2008 Java Programming

[Total Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours]

Instruction :

Seat No.

nU    PUunlmt'fl ftpim    us <hh41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book. Name of the Examination :

M. C. A. (Sem. 4)

Name of the Subject:

Java Programming

Subject Code No.:


1 00 1


1 1

Student's Signature

Section No. (1,2......): Nil

1    Write brief note on any seven of the following :    14

(1)    How can we read Gujarati Unicode files in Java ?

(2)    Does Java support multiple inheritances, Why ?

(3)    Can applet access the resources of local system ? Why ?

(4)    What is Garbage collector ? Can we call garbage collector explicitly ?

(5)    What is difference between checked and unchecked exception ?

(6)    What is difference between bytestream and character stream classes ?

(7)    What is the difference between thread and process ?

(8)    Why Java does not support operator overloading ?

2    Write Java code for each of the following :

(a)    Write a program to find and replace a word in a    6 given file.

(b)    Write a Java applet for displaying digital clock.    6




3 Attempt the following : (any three)    15

(1)    Explain delegation event model of Java.

(2)    What is layout manager ? Explain various layout managers in brief.

(3)    Explain thread priority with appropriate example.

(4)    Explain datagram socket communication with example.

4 Do as directed :

(d)    Differentiate AWT and Swing. Discuss any two    5 AWT classes.

[ 100 ]



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