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Karnatak University 2008 Entrance Exams Other Entrance Exams Common Entrance Test (Biology) - Question Paper

Thursday, 24 January 2013 09:50Web





19 - 04 - 2008


04.00 PM to 05.20 PM
















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10.    This question booklet contains 60 questions and each question will have four different options / choices.

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2) Megalecithal 4) Centrolecithal

1. Human egg is

1) Telolecithal 3) Alecithal

2.    There are 64 codons in the genetic dictionary as

1)    There are 64 amino acids to be coded


2)    Genetic code has a triplet nature    '

3)    There are 3 nonsense codons and 61 sense codons

4)    There are 64 different types of t-RNA

3.    Vassopressin released from the neurohypophysis is mainly responsible for

1)    Facultative reabsorption of water through DCT

2)    Obligatory reabsorption of water through PCT

3)    Facultation reabsorption of water through Henlis loop

4)     Obligatory reabsorption of water through Bowmans capsule

4.    Identify the substage of prophase I of meiosis during which synapsis takes place

1) Leptotene    2) Pachytene

3) Diplotene    4) Zygotene

5.    Protein part of a Holoenzyme is called     '

1) Coenzyme    2) Apoenzyme

3) Exoenzyme    4) Endoenzyme

(Space for Rough Work)

6.    Intercalary meristem is a derivative of

1) Primary meristem    2) Secondary meristem

3) Lateral meristem    4) Promeristem

7.    Which one of the following is not a device to promote cross-pollination ?

1) Herkogamy    2) Dichogamy

3) Cleistogamy    4) Heterostyly

8.    Anterior choroid plexus is present on the

i %

1) Roof of Diencephalon    2) Roof of medulla oblongata

3) Floor of Diencephalon    4) Cerebral hemispheres *

9.    Which of the following statements is true about viruses?    *

1)    Viruses are filterable facultative parasites

2)    Viruses are capable of performing metabolic activities on their own.

3)    All viruses known to man are obligate parasites

4)    Some viruses have cellular structure and are saprophytes    I

10.    A condition where a certain gene is present in only a single copy in a diploid cel is called

1) Homozygous    2) Hemizygous .    1

3) Heterozygous    4) Monogamous

(Space for Rough Work)

11.    Genetically dwarf plants can be induced to grow tall by using

1) Auxins    '    2) Cytokinins

3) Gibberellins    4) Phycobillins

12.    Match the phenomenon listed under column I with those listed under column II. Select the correct answer from the options given.

Column I

Column II


Warburg effect


Change in gene frequency by chance


Pasteur effect


Postponing severance in the leaves by applying cytokinin


Emerson effect


Decline in the consumption of respiratory substrate due to a change from anaerobic to aerobic respiration


Wright effect


Inhibitory effect of 02 on photosynthesis


Enhancement of photosynthesis by subjecting chlorophyll to the effect two different wavelengths of light

1) A = t, B = s, C = p, D = q    2) A = s, B = r, C = t, D = p

3) A = s, B = t, C = q, D = r    4) A = t, B = r, C = p, D = s

13.    Which of the following is an agrostologic method of soil conservation ?

1) Dry fanning    2) Mulching

3) Basin listing    4) Terracing

14.    The sequence of events mentioned below are symbolised by alphabets. Choose the correct answer where the alphabets are matched with the processes.

RNA - > DNA > DNA ---> mRNA - > Polypeptide

1)    A = Replication, B = Transcription, C = Translation, D = Transduction

2)    A = Reverse transcription, B = Translation, C = Transcription, D = Replication

3)    A = Replication, B = Transformation, C = Transcription, D = Translation

4)    A = Reverse transcription, B = Replication, C = Transcription, D = Translation

15.    Identify the alga known for a biological activity called bioluminescence.

1) Cyclotella    2) Noctiluca

3) Spirogyra    4) Chlorella .

16.    The problem of necrosis and gradual senescence while performing tissue culture can overcome* by

1) Suspension culture    2) Subculture

3) Spraying auxins    4) Spraying cytokinins

17.    The immunoglobulin present in mothers milk is

1) IgM    2) IgA

3) IgD    4) IgE

18.    The diagram given by the side represents the sectional view of

4)    Campylotropous ovule

19.    In CAM plants, C02 required for photosynthesis enters the plant body during

1)    Daytime when the stomata are open

2)    Night when the hydathodes are open

3)    Daytime through the lenticels

4) Night through the stomata which are kept open

20.    A detrivorous animal of economic importance is

1) Caterpillar larva    2) Leech

3) Earthworm    4) Giriraja fowl

(Space for Rough Work)

21.    Benedicts reagent test is conducted to confirm the presence of

1) Reducing sugars    2) Proteins

3) Polysaccharides like starch 4) Lipids

22.    An alkaloid called Reserpine is extracted from

1) Leaves of Sarpaganda    2) Roots of Ashwaganda

3) Leaves of Ashwaganda    4) Roots of Sarpaganda

23.    Nobel prize for medicine was given for confirming the role of Helicobacter pylori in causing

1) Bronchitis    2) Peptic ulcer

3) Nephritis    4) Rhinitis

24.    In the sigmoid growth curve given by the side, the alphabets indicate the sequence of events. Choose the correct option where the alphabet specifies the event.

1)    A = Diminishing growth    B C = Slow growth    D

2)    A = Stationary phase    B C = Phase of rapid growth    D

3)    A .= Phase of slow growth    B C = Phase of diminishing growth D

4)    A = Phase of rapid growth    B C = Stationary phase    D

Exponential growth Stationary growth Phase of slow growth Phase of diminishing growth Phase of exponential growth Stationary phase Phase of diminishing growth Phase of slow growth

Transformation of the early reducing atmosphere of the earth into an oxidizing atmosphere was mainly due to the activities of


1) Aerobic photosynthesizers    2) Anaerobic heterotrophs.

3) Anaerobic photosynthesizers 4) Anaerobic chemoheterotrophs

26.    A leaf peeling of Tradescantia is kept in a medium having 10% NaCl. After a few minut if we observe the leaf peel under the microscope, we are likely to see

1) Diffusion of NaCl into the cell 2) Exit of water from the cell

3) Entry of water into the cell    4) The cells bursting out

27.    Early leaf spot disease in Arachis hypogea is caused due to infection of

1) Agrobacterium tumefaciens 2) Phytophthora infestans 3) Circospora personata    4) Gibberella fujikuroi

28.    Excessive growth of hair on the pinna is a feature found only in males because

1)    The gene responsible for the character is recessive in females and dominant only in males

2)    The character is induced in males as males produce testosterone

3)    The female sex hormone estrogen suppresses the character in females

4)    The gene responsible for the character is present on the Y chromosome only

29.    Rapid increase in the blood sugar level of a patient can be immediately reduced by

1)    Administering glucogon intravenously

2)    Consuming large quantities of insulin tablets

3)    Injecting insulin intravenously

4)    Injecting insulin intramuscularly

30.    Which of the following is found exclusively in the sea water ?

1) Prawns    2) Trygon

3) Crabs ~    4) Oysters

(Space for Rough Work)

31.    A gradual decrease in the size of the tail during metamorphosis in the life cycle of frog is a good example for

1) cell senescence    2) pinocytic activity

3) programmed cell death    4) cell necrosis

32.    Spot out the zone of our country considered as the Hot Spot of* biodiversity and regarded as the Cradle of Speciation.

1) Himalayan base    2) Deccan plateau

3) Western ghats    4) North East

33.    In Bt cotton, a transgenic plant, Bt refers to

1) Biotechnology    2) Bacillus thurungiensis

3) Botanical    4) Beta

34.    Sequence of cellular layers from the periphery towards the cortex in an old dicot stem is

1)    Epidermis, Hypodermis, Cortex, Endodermis

2)    Epidermis, Phellum, Phellogen, Phelloderm

3)    Epidermis, Hypodermis, Phellogen, Phelloderm    >

4)    Epidermis, Phellogen, Phellum, Epidermis

35.    Higher frequency of melanie British moths and DDT resistance in mosquitoes are cited as examples for

1) Arrival of the fittest    2) Genetic drift

3) Natural selection    4) Point mutation

(Space for Rough Work)

36.    Who among the following is recognised as the father of Immunology ?

1) Edward Jenner    2) Louis Pasteur

3) Robert Koch    4) Ferdinand Kohn

37.    Whether a child died after normal birth or died before birth can be confirmed measuring

.1) the weight of the child    2) the dead space air

3) tidal volume of air    4) residual volume of air

38.    Syndactyly, prehensile tail and long protrusible tongue are the unique features of

1) Horse fish    2) Chameleon

3) Rhesus monkey    4) Archaeopteryx

39.    Match the hormones listed under column I with their functions listed under column Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the t columns.

Column I

Column II




Stimulates ovulation




Implantation and maintainance of pregnancy


Luteinising hormone


Lactation after child birth




Uterine contraction during labour


Reabsorption of water by Nephrons

1) A = s, B = r, C = p, D 3) A = s, B = q, C = r, D

= q = t

2) , A = t, B = p, C = s, D = r 4) A = t, B = r, C = p, D = s

40. A dihybrid test cross-yielding a result of 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio is indicative of

1) 4 different types of Fj generation dihybrids

2) 4 different types of gametes produced by the Pj parent

3)    4 different types of gametes produced by the F1 dihybrid

4)    Homozygous condition of the Fj dihybrid

(Space for Rough Work)

41.    Given below are two statements A and B. Choose the correct answer related to the statements.    

Statement A - Amino acids are amphoteric in their function.

Statement B - All amino acids are necessary for our body.

1)    Statement A is wrong, statement B is correct

2)    Both the statements A and B are wrong     ,

3)    Statement A is correct, statement B is wrong

4)    Both the statements A and B are correct

42.    Plants like Aegle mormelos, Qcimum sanctum and Ficus religeosa are a group of plants designated as

1) Traditional food crops    2) Sacred species of plants

3) Medicinal plant species-    4) Lesser known food plants

43.    In the diagram given by the side, different parts are indicated by alphabets. Choose the answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts they indicate.

A = mouth, B = Tentacles,

C = Sucker, D = Segments A = Sucker, B = Hairs, '

C = Ring, D = Proglottids A = Rostellum, B = Hooks,

C = Sucker, D = Proglottids A = Suctorial mouth, B = Hooks,

C = Sucker, D = Segments

44.    In a vascular bundle, if xylem vessels develop in a centripetal fashion, the xylem is likely , to be

1) Endarch    2) Exarch

3) Mesarch    4) Centrarch

45.    Which of the following plant material is an efficient water imbibant ?

1) Agar    i 2) Cellulose

3) Lignin    4) Pectin

46.    When body tissues are injured resulting in the loss of blood, the process of blood clott begins and the blood platelets release

1) Prothrombin    2) Thrombin

3) Fibrinogen    4) Thromboplastin

47.    According to the lac-operon concept, which functional unit of the bacterial gen material is responsible for suppressing the activity of the operator gene in the abse of lactose ?

1) Promoter gene    2) Repressor protein

3) Regulator gene '    4) Structural gene

48.    A hybrid where the cytoplasm of two parent cells are "fused by retaining only one parer nucleus is called

1) An interbreed    2) Symmetric somatic hybrid

3) Asymmetric somatic hybrid 4) Cybrid k

49.    A sexually transmitted disease symptomised by the development of chancre on genitals is caused by the infection of

1) Human immunodeficiency virus 2) Hepatitis B virus

3) Treponema pallidium    4) Neisseria gonorrhoeae .

50.    A phenomenon where the third base of t-RNA at its 5 end can pair with a n complementary base of m-RNA is called

1) Degenerency    ; 2) Wobbling

3) Universality    4) Colinearity


(Space for Rough Work)

>1. Identify the plant parts whose transverse sections show a clear and prominent pith.

1) Dicot root and monocot root 2) Dicot stem and dicot root

3) Dicot stem and monocot stem 4) Dicot stem and monocot root

>2. In the diagram of the lateral view of the human brain, parts are indicated by alphabets.


* Choose the answer in which these alphabets have been correctly matched with the parts which they indicate.

1)    A = Temporal lobe, B = Parietal lobe, C = Cerebrum,

D = Medulla oblongata, E = Frontal lobe

2)    A = Frontal lobe, B = Temporal lobe, C = Cerebellum, D = Medulla oblongata, E = Parietal lobe.

3)    A = Temporal lobe, B = Parietal lobe, C = Cerebellum, c D = Medulla oblongata, E = Frontal lobe

4)    A = Frontal lobe, B = Temporal lobe, C = Cerebrum,

D D = Medulla oblongata, E = Occipetal lobe

S3. Of all the environmental factors which is the most influential in determining the rate of transpiration?

1)    Relative humidity of atmosphere

2)    Temperature    .

3)    Light

4)    Water

>4. - Curved portion of the Henles loop of the Nephrons are lined by

1) Ciliated epithelium    2) Cuboidal epithelium

3) Squamous epithelium    4) Columnar epithelium


>5. In succulent plants like opuntia, the RQ value will be

1) Infinity    ' 2) zero

3) less than 1     '    4) more than 1

(Space for Rough Work).

56.    An autosomal genetic disorder called cri-du-chat is caused due to

, 1) Deletion    2) Duplication

3) Non-disjunction    4) Mutation

57.    Notochord, skeletal system and dermis of the skin are the derivatives of

1) Ectoderm    ' 2) Endoderm

3) Mesoderm    4) All the three layers

58.    Photosynthesis cannot continue for long if during light reaction, only eye photophosphorylation takes place. This is because

1)    There is unidirectional cyclic movement of the electrons

2)    There is no evolution of 02

3)    Only ATP is formed NADPH+ + H+ is not formed

4)    Photosystenj. I stops getting excited at a wavelength of light beyond 680 nm

59.    Which of the following sequences is truely a systemic circulation pathway ?

2)    Left auricle > left ventricle > aorta arteries tissues > veins right atrium

3)    Right ventricle > pulmonary aorta tissues pulmonary veins left auricle

4)    Right auricle left ventricle > aorta > tissues > veins > right auricle

60.    Oxalosuccinic acid, an intermediary compound of Kribs cycle is a.

1) 4 carbon compound    2) 3 carbon compound

3) 5 carbon compound    ' 4) 6 carbon compound

(Space for Rough Work)


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