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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year Diploma Pharmacy SB-1271 Pharmacology and Taxicology D.Pharma - Question Paper

Sunday, 28 April 2013 06:50Web

Second Year D. Pharm. Examination

March / April - 2011

Pharmacology & Toxicology


Time : Hours]    [Total Marks : 80

Instructions :


Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S. Y. D. Pharm.

Name of the Subject:

Pharmacology & Toxicology

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....): 1&2

(2)    Attempt all questions.

(3)    All questions carry equal marks.

(4)    Tie and submit each section separately.

(5)    Figures to the right indicate marks.


1 Write mechanism of action : (any five)    5x2=10

(i)    Digoxine

(ii)    Diazepam

(iii)    Levodopa

(iv)    Amphetamine

(v)    Warfarine

(vi)    Bleomycine

(vii)    Cyclophosphamide

(viii)    Omeprazole.

2 Attempt any five :    5x4=20

(i)    Plasma protein binding

(ii)    Write about propranolol

(iii)    Write pharmacology of quinidine

(iv)    Write a short note on non depolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant

(v)    Classify local anaesthetic. Write phases of anaesthesia

(vi)    Classify diuretics

(vii)    Route of administration

(viii)    Write note on digoxine.

3    Attempt any one :    1x10=10

(i)    Classify narcotic analgesic. Write pharmacology of morphine.

(ii)    Classify and give detail pharmacology of antipsychotic.


4    Write differences between following pairs :    5x2=10

(attempt any five)

(i)    Acetylcholine and adrenaline

(ii)    Methotrexate and mercaptopurine

(iii)    Atenolol and propranolol

(iv)    Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone

(v)    Tubocurarine and succinylcholine

(vi)    Ranitidine and omeprazole

(vii)    Tetracyclin and penicillins

(viii)    Ganglion stimulants and ganglion blockers.

5    Attempt any five :    5x4=20

(i)    Discuss in brief H2 antagonist

(ii)    Describe process involved in sympathetic neurotransmission along with drugs interfering with autonomic transmission process.

(iii)    Write a short note on sulphonamide.

(iv)    Write mechanism of action and adverse reactions of acyclovir.

(v)    Discuss pharmacological actions of 5 HT

(vi)    Write mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and adverse reactions of metronidazole.

(vii)    Write a short note on tetracycline.

(viii)    Write mechanism of action and adverse reactions of penicillin.

6    Attempt any one :    1x10=10

(i)    Classify antidiabetic drugs. Write mechanism of action, pharmacological action, therapeutic uses and adverse reactions of tolbutamide.

(ii)    Classify anticancer drugs and describe anticancer antibiotics.

SB-1271]    2    [ 100 ]


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