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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.Sc Chemistry SB-0710 ( organic ) : - 4 ( new ) - Question Paper

Saturday, 27 April 2013 07:20Web


Second Year B. Sc. Examination March / April - 2011 Chemistry (Organic) : Paper - IV (New course)

Time : 3 Hours] :

[Total Marks : 70


N Seat No.:

6silq<3i Puunkiufl SnwiA u* qsq <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S. Y. B. SC.

Name of the Subject:

Chemistry (Organic) : Paper - 4 (New)

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2......): Nil

(0    Vl& 4-i hi hhi s uaw&l $%faHid d.

Student's Signature

(3)    WH ihv ?Hd <HHl.

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6l$Hddl HHHi Hd

aiHL SU<*1 [ciaifadldl    ?HlUl.

*itfel0Dalkl$ ?Hd HlklOiHL % d ?

LiAlH4 <U dl&gl&l Hl'tfdl.    M &d l d ?

I    6iHRStlH ?Hd (3HH>L <HHl.

lP>k HHl&d U&HL <HHl.

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(iM) GeG.d*M 8-6l3$M (MdMd M &d Hdmil ?

(h) <H*U-fatel3R    %LH*M.cCl.    Y


(*l) fa2ll U&HL %LH*M.cCl.    X

(<h)    anael ? d ML OdHHd d d OHdX



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U) felpHd-C Hi -OH %li6 dH'tf fe<HHdl %LU ?Hd VIK M &d 3 dl ?Ll ?

(*l) LiAlH4 -ft <HdW2 ?HlUl. *11 K.&HMI (3UH>1 M    ?Hd Y

*ll[6tel& fc-SMK HI &d l *l ?


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5Hd    ?h M 6MLcuft ?

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M (*l) ilHaMai&Skld K.&HKI (3UH>1 M 4lHltedl&l,    Y

tedl&H 6l%&d ?Hd tedl<H-{l HdlHa ?HLHl.


(?h) 4lH06lai&5kld *12<H    34.0hlH1 OHLOlOi aHWft. X

(<h) HldllHl&iltel 4fcUdl Hdl <HHl. =tei 6i'iLclclL'r0. <H &d Y 5Hd <H MlHfelS pHHl ?HlUl.


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($)    ?Hael ? &U&H iLHS <H'rlLclclL'r0. -HSL &dl ?HLHl.    3

e (?h) al<.&d &e$lOH 4fcUdl <HdW2 ?Hd ddl (3HH>L <HHl.    Y


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(<h) UHIh aHWfl. : <H*MIh %*IK ?Hd iSuUlfoir *WR.    Y

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U)    S$L I H\ki HR ?HH (HHiqi <H *ll H*IH d. 3


Instructions : (1) As per the instruction no. 1 of page no. 1.

(2)    All the sub questions given in question-1 are compulsory.

(3)    Answer in brief and to the point

(4)    Figures to the right indicate marks of the question.

1 Answer the following questions in short :    15

(i)    Write the reaction of indole with alkali in presence of chloroform.

(ii)    State Hoffmann rule.

(iii)    Give the examples of fat-soluble vitamins.

(iv)    What is the difference between oligosaccharides and polysaccharides ?

(v)    How can nitriles be reduced by LiAlH4 ?

(vi)    Write structural formula and use of methyl orange

(vii)    Write carbyl amine reaction.

(viii)    How will you synthesise acetonyl acetone form AAE ?

(ix)    Give the distinguishing reaction of nitrile and isonitrile.

(x)    Write the general formula of sulphoxide and sulphone.

(xi)    Give the structural formula of parabonic acid and alantoin.

(xii)    Explain term : Hypsochromic shift.

(xiii)    Give the names of catalysts used in Friedel-Crafts reaction.

(xiv)    Name the derivatives of monocarboxylic acid.

(xv)    How will you synthesize 8-hydroxy quinoline from quinoline ?

(a) Explain Bayer-Villiger oxidation.    4


(a)    Explain Wittig reaction.    4

(b)    What is dehydrogenation? State the rule to which 4 it follows.


(b)    Explain the mechanism of E2 reaction with illustration. 4

(c)    What are ketenes ? How are they generated ?    3

3 (a) Write the oxidation and reduction reaction of    4



(a)    Write important substitution reactions of benzofuran. 4

(b)    Give the synthesis of perylene.    4


(b)    Give the synthesis of 1:2 benzanthracene.    4

(c)    How will you determine the number and position 3 of -OH groups and double bond in Vitamin-C ?

(a) Give the synthesis of LiAlH4. How can reduction

of acid, ester and aldehyde be carried out with this reagent ?


(a)    How will you prepare primary alcohol, acid, hydrocarbon 4 and aldehyde by using Grignard reagent ?

(b)    How will you prepare adipic acid, crotonic acid and 4 butanone from AAE ?


(b)    Give the synthesis of malonic ester. How will you    4 prepare n-butyric acid and barbibutric acid from DEM ?

(c)    Explain step-down reaction of carbon with illustration. 3

5    (a) Give the synthesis of diphenyl, chlorobenzene phenyl 4

hydrazine and phenol by diazotisation.


(a)    What is diazotisation ? Explain the mechanism of 4 diazotisation reaction.

(b)    Write derivatives of monocarboxylic acid. Give two 4 methods of preparation and two chemical properties of ester.


(b)    Give two general methods of preparation and two 4 chemical properties of monocarboxylic acid.

(c)    What are urethanes ? Give three methods of    3 preparation of ethyl carbamate.

6    (a) Write the synthesis and uses of toluene sulphonic acid. 4


(a)    Write the synthesis and uses of saccharin and    4 chloramine-T.

(b)    Explain terms :    4 Bathochromic shift and Hyperchromic effect. If the transmittance of a solution is 19.4% calculate the absorbance of the solution.


(b)    Explain n > ty * and ty > ty * transitions obtained in 4 ultraviolet spectra.

(c)    Prove that uric acid contains five and six membered 3 rings.

SB-0710]    7    [2500]


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You are here: PAPER Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.Sc Chemistry SB-0710 ( organic ) : - 4 ( new ) - Question Paper