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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-1st Year B.C.A Computer Application SB-1404 - 104 : Computer Programming

Friday, 26 April 2013 08:10Web


First Year B. C. A. (Sem. I) Examination March / April - 2011 Paper - 104 : Computer Programming Programming Methodology

Time : 3 Hours]

[Total Marks : 70

Instructions :


Seat No.:

M    CnsLLnlcj.L{l [qoicu    u? snqw <h>h41.

Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

F. Y. B. C. A. (Sem. 1)

Name of the Subject:

104 : Computer Programming & Programming Methodology

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2,.....): Nil

3    Attempt any three :    15

(a)    Write a note on various methods to store a value in variable.

(b)    Explain SELECT CASE statement with an example.

(c)    What is looping ? Write down syntax of FOR...NEXT Loop and define the following in relation to a FOR ...NEXT loop :

(i)    Control Variable

(ii)    Initial Value

(iii)    Final value

(iv)    Step

(d)    Write a short note on debugging.

4    Do as directed :    15

(a)    Find out error (if any), otherwise give output for the following code : (any five)

(i)    PRINT ASC (hello)

(ii)    PRINT SQR (LEN (MID$ ( GUJARAT , 2, 3 )))

(iii)    A=2.3 PRINT LEN(A)

(iv)    PRINT 8\3


(vi)    PRINT LEFT$ ( SURAT ,3) + RIGHT$ (RAJ,2)

(b)    What do you mean by double subscripted variables ? Discuss its applications.


(b)    What is sorting ? Explain with example.

(c)    Write one or more basic statements :

(i)    Dimension an array A of 100 cells.

(ii)    Dimension 100x200 matrix X.

(iii)    Calculate a (1,1) * a(2,2) * a(3,3)......a(M,M)

(only code)

SB-1404]    2    [ 3000 ]


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