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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.C.A Computer Application SD-1475 406 Practical ( Old & New ) ( Sem - 4 ) - Question Paper

Friday, 26 April 2013 04:40Web


Second Year B.C.A. (Sem. IV) Examination

April / May - 2011 Practical - 406

(New & Old Course)

[Total Marks : 140

Time : Hours]

Instructions :


"x Seat No.:

6silq<3i Puunkiufl SnwiA u* qsq Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

S.Y. B.C.A. (Sem. 4)

Name of the Subject:

Practical - 406 (New & Old)

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2......): Nil

(2) Question (2) is only for old course students.

1 Develope a GUI application which accept details for    40

Grocery store. The item-master maintain all the items kept at the store. The Bill-master generate bills for every purchace by the customer. The customer-master maintain list of customers. Create appropriate interactive form providing necessary constraints. Provide navigation, save, search options. Also provide, edit, delete and update facility.

2 Only for old course students.    40

Consider following database.

Create and provide appropriate constraints.

Item-master (Item-code, Item-name, Rate-of-purchase, qty-purchased, date-of-purchased)

Bill-register (Bill-code, Bill-date, Bill-Amt)

Bill-details (Bill-code Item-code qty, Rate)

(a)    Which item is sold highest in quantity during last one month ?

(b)    Name the items and total quantity purchased during last three months.

(c)    Display total bill amount during last three months. SD-1475] 1    [Contd...

3    (a) Create java application which accept names of ten 25

cricket players and their scores in last match using an array. Sort the records in ascending order based on scores. Also display names at an interval of 2 seconds using thread.

(b) Create an applet which display a circle with color Red. 15 Display your name in centre of the circle.

4    Create a webpage which display information about a    40 shopping mall. Provide information, special offers and billing and online-order information. Create appropriate form which allow user to order online. Provide appropriate online constraints.

5    Practical journal and Viva.    20

SD-1475]    2    [ 800 ]


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