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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-1st Year B.A SB - 0013 i ( 2 ) . - Question Paper

Thursday, 25 April 2013 11:25Web


First Year B. A. Examination March / April - 2011 Gujarati : Paper - II [HW *R,

Time : 3 Hours]

[Total Marks : 70


N Seat No.:

6siiq<si Pi*unkil SnwiA u* <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

F. Y. B. A.

Name of the Subject:

Gujarati : Paper - 2

Student's Signature

-Subject Code No.:





-Section No. (1,2......): Nil

(0 STHSfl. Hlgvll UMdl    %|R d.

*1 &IHI-HHI &IHI-H fcmVM 5*HIHI-H HlMi 6I3H Pmmi-fl. 1Y |*Rdl Ul& d. *RS H*dl 6I3H GHHH'k ?HLHR UWd faHK-fl

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<LLL'i[ldL ?HL?LHL Halted S.HIH &. - UWrt faHlddl


X t(l H6dl <HIHI UlM HL IH <H&d UWHd dH'tf cildlR'SRd *IX 5HRH[td MLdT<l(l a(l %15*U d. -

H (*l) adLH C-lHL : (LH d [=Ul)    X

(0 *RS HHL <HHMl ?Hl JlHdL GHHH'lHL klld (0 friktt -    Hd ?Hd ?.Hdl    ?HLHdl H>U&1

(<h) adLH C-lHL : (LH d [=Ul)    X

(0 q.eiH dqc-tilL HC-iHW-'HLHl (0 cmdl M.RH ?Hd *id.

($) 5    HLHl HciL : (LH d ?Hi)    3

(<l) HlU'Sld Uc-ftdl =1611 W au&, H'SL HLLHL q.L<H =l3R d H.\.&. (0 dL, 6 dHRl fedRHl dHRl &H*ld 6(1%

WL Wld HdmidL d. ii) H5    HLHl %LH*4a<Cl : (LH d *U)    3

(*l) 5H *1*15*1 d M'tfC-t, Hdl ?H iS *fl<wl2 d(l I dd Q M %1IH, ?H dL HRl d.

(0 5H 5HLHLdd 6 y.HSSH 6HRR*U fc&l, dll!

SB-0013]    2    [ 9000 ]


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