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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Sem Certification MS-CIT SD-3809 Programming in C ( I T ) ( ) - Question Paper

Wednesday, 24 April 2013 09:35Web


B. Sc. (I.T.) (Sem. II) Examination

April / May - 2011

Programming in C

Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks :70

Instruction :


"x Seat No.:

6silq<3i Puunkiufl SnwiA u* qsq <KH=fl. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

B. SC. (I.T.) (SEM. 2)

Name of the Subject:


-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2......): Nil

Answer the following : (any three)


(i)    Write advantages of Can you replace any it...else block(s) with construct ? Justify.

(ii)    What is a function ? Explain concept of recursive function calls. Write a c program that calculates factorial of a number using recursive function call.

(iii)    Write a note on C program execution process.

(iv)    List and explain unformatted console input and output functions in C with examples, What are its disadvantages ?

3    Answer the following : (any three)    18

(i)    Write a C program for file copy that takes file names on command line and perform copy operation.

(ii)    Develop a program for the pattern given below using function.

If n=3 then output = 1

2 3

4 5 6

(iii)    Write a menu driven program in C that works as a simple arithmetic calculator.

(iv)    Develop a C program that take input of records of 10 employees. Employee detail may include empcode, name, designation and city. Sort these records into dictionary order of employee name and display them on screen.

4    Answer the following : (any four)    16

(i)    Explain C functions: atof, exit, strcmp, sqrt.

(ii)    Explain structure in C in detail. How is it different from arrays ? Explain pointer to structure.

(iii)    Explain : void, NULL, EOF, ASCII

(iv)    Explain escape sequences in C with example.

(v)    What is an infinite loop ? How can you make infinite loop in C using for, while and do..while loops constructs ? Show with examples.

SD-3809]    2    [ 200 ]


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