University of Pune 2010 M.Com Commerce SECRETARIAL PRACTICE AND COMPANY MANAGEMENT(2002 Pattern) - Question Paper
M.Com. (Part - I) (Term End) Examination, 2010 Group - E : SECRETARIAL PRACTICE AND COMPANY MANAGEMENT Paper - II : Intellectual Property Laws (2002 Pattern) (Optional Paper) (Old)
[3870] - 12
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions :1)All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the legal procedure for obtaining a patents.
Explain the contribution of intellectual property to the economic development of a country.
2. Explain the attributes of a good trademark.
State the inventions which are not patentable as per Section 3, 4 and 5 of the Patents Act, 1999.
3. Who can oppose Grant of patent and on what ground ? Explain procedure for opposing a patent.
Explain the rights and obligation of patentee.
4. Write short notes (any three) :
a) Patent Agent
b) Invention
c) Intellectual property laws
d) Nature of goodwill
e) Computer programme.
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